Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meet the Teacher 2011-2012

This morning was "Meet the Teacher" at C&H's school. Even though they went to the summer program and actually 'know' the teachers, we decided to go anyways. Hadley asks pretty much everyday if she can go to school today and is totally devastated when I say, 'school isn't open today'. So I knew they would be so excited! It is amazing how much they have changed since this time last year! I remember them both having total meltdowns last year because they weren't getting to stay at school without Mommy! This year I had a little talk with them before we went in and told them that they wouldn't be eating lunch at school, or napping at school today. That we were gonna go play for a little while and see their teachers and friends and then leave and that they couldn't throw a fit or we wouldn't be allowed to come back! (haha, you gotta do what you gotta do!!) Well, it worked like a charm! They whined a little bit, but I reminded them what we talked about and all was good! I just bragged on them and what big kids they have become and we even went and got a slushie since they did so good! We are all so excited about this year and all they get to do! Just look at our BIG kids! I must say...they were two of the cutest kids there! ;)

1 comment:

Laci said...

Oh my goodness, they look so cute! Love these outfits!! :)