Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Say What? Wednesday

Cooper has recently started this thing when it's time to eat he starts fussing and saying, "I not eat!", or "I not hungry", when good and well I know he has to be hungry! We always make him sit at the table and sure enough he eventually eats. The other day at lunch he was being very stubborn and not giving in, so I sat down beside him and proceeded to tell him that he has to eat to grow big and strong like Daddy. And then I asked if he wanted to grow up big like Daddy someday, and he got this funny look on his face and said, "no, Daddy be sad if I grow up"! We always joke and them about not growing up so fast and that we are sad they are getting so big! It's crazy funny how literal kids are!

Hadley has really started playing with her barbies lately! It is the cutest thing until she brings me a barbie every 5 minutes ALL DAY long to put their shoes back on! I finally got sick of putting those shoes on, so I started showing her how to do it. I said it's not do it like this and proceeded to show her. She said, "I can't do it hands are too small". Silly's easier with smaller hands! I then started supergluing shoes on barbies! :0

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