Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being Silly...

C&H have recently discovered they can see themselves in my camera, so lately they have been much more willing to smile (or act silly) for the camera! I love these shots I snapped today!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love these two munchkins?? The things they are saying these days just crack me up...they are so much fun!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


When did he get so big??

As soon as I snapped this first picture the other day, I instantly thought of the bottom picture! I had to go find it to compare...look hat the difference 9 months makes!!!

March 2011

June 2010

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Next March??

Just doing a little reminiscing today!

This March, C&H are potty trained.

What will next March hold for them??

Where is the pause button???
{sniff, sniff}

Friday, March 25, 2011

Potty Training: Day 3

First off, check out my UPDATE on my last post! So proud of Cooper last night!!

If you are getting close to potty training your child/children, you MUST check out this method we are using (see my previous posts for links)! All I have to say is that it is amazing! Cooper & Hadley went ALL DAY today (Day 3 people!!!) without one single accident! Cooper poo-poo'd in the potty for the first time, and Hadley isn't holding it anymore! I cannot say enough how proud I am of them! We may start venturing out for some short errands this weekend since we haven't left the house in 3 days!

I forgot to post about their surprises that MoMo brought them yesterday! They were so excited! Thanks MoMo...Cooper & Hadley love you so much!

Today, Pogee, Daddo, & Nana brought them some gifts too! Man, I hope they don't get used to all these surprises and gifts!!! haha Thanks Pogee, Nana, & Daddo...C&H love you all so much!
Thanks for the grape slushies too! ;)

We officially have BIG kids now!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Potty Training: Day 2

Update: Cooper woke up around 12:15 last night crying and saying, "tee-tee Mama, tee-tee in potty" so I ran in there....and sure enough he had a dry pullup and went tee-tee in the potty and then went right back to sleep! =)

As soon as I went into get C&H up this morning, Hadley asked for 'big girl panties' and Cooper asked to go tee-tee in the potty! I was hoping this was a good sign! First off, I just wanted to say how proud I am of them! Cooper didn't have one accident ALL DAY long! Hadley had a few, but she holds it so long until she can't hold it any longer! She didn't tee-tee at all from 8:00 am till about 3:oo pm....and then she just had a few dribbles...and then about an hour later, she had a BIG accident! But she did poo-poo in the potty tonight...which is a HUGE deal for her! There were lots of stickers, and candy, and surprises given out today! I just love seeing their eyes light up when their duck potties start singing too them when they go and I love seeing their excitement as they choose what prize they want! I put them down for their nap in their panties/underwear just praying that they would go to sleep and wake up dry and they both slept for 1.5-2 hours and both woke up dry and asking to go potty! It was for sure a 'proud mommy' moment!

Here is our surprise jar that they get to choose from! I went to the 'Dollar Tree' and picked out lots of fun stuff I thought they would enjoy! They have loved it...this was after 1.5 days!
And this is their sticker chart...can you tell someone got some stamps as a prize and went to town on the sticker chart!! =)
It was really cold this morning and I knew it would warm up later today, so I didn't want to turn on the heat, so I pulled out their old 'BabyLegs'. Although they looked kind of silly, they were perfect for potty training because I really didn't want to mess with pants!!
"Mommy Wook, I tee-tee'd"
Pretty boy!
Getting a sticker...notice the high heels...she doesn't take them off much during the day! haha
Playing games on Mommy's phone while trying to poo-poo!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Potty Training: Day 1

Today was our first day of our potty training adventure! Overall, I am very pleased with how the first day went...yes, they both had some accidents, but the both made LOTS of progress! We started the day off a little later than normal due to them sleeping in...Hadley woke up about 8:15 and Cooper woke up around 9:00. We had our breakfast like normal and then put on our big kids underwear and threw away all our diapers!!
And then we had a "Potty Party" with balloons and LOTS of drinks! They helped me make koolaid, and loved drinking it from swirly straws!
Then our day was filled with lots of ups and downs, which was to be expected! Cooper had two accidents early on and then went tee-tee around 10 times before lunch! I was so proud of him! He would tee-tee and within 5 minutes say "Mommy, I tee-tee again" and back to the potty we would go! He would tee-tee everytime...I just wish he would let it all out instead of just a little bit! Hadley, on the other hand, didn't go at all until we were sitting at the table eating lunch! I was wishing she would quit holding it so long, but by this evening she was telling us she needed to go tee-tee and was actually going! Cooper kind of took a step back and got too busy playing tonight and had a few accidents. I swear if I had a dollar for everytime I said, "Cooper/Hadley, be sure & tell Mommy when you need to potty", I'd be a rich woman!!! Although, the program we are following discourages it, we decided just to put pullups on them at night until they can wake up dry in the mornings. I'll be happy if we can get them potty trained during the day, and then we will worry about nighttime! Here are some more pictures from our day today!
I just couldn't resist!!!

Daddy's Little Helpers

We have been living outside this past week and C&H love to help Daddy in the yard...whether it be watering the garden or feeding the fish! They are too cute at whatever they are helping with!
I just had to include this one of C patiently waiting his turn to help!

Wordless Wednesday: Milk, Mickey, & Mommy & Daddy's bed

A perfect morning for our Hadley girl!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Farewell Diapers!

Today was HOPEFULLY our last day in diapers! I am determined to make this happen! DAY 1 of the 3 Day Potty Training mission is tomorrow! Wish me luck!

See what I mean??

Although C&H's crankiness has gotten a little better since my recent post, I was flipping through pictures and noticed several of our crying kiddos! When they get really mad, C&H both lay face down like this first picture...are our kids the only ones that do this??


Everyday, I love seeing C&H learn and accomplish new things they try...even if it's the smallest of things such as Cooper walking on the 'toadstools' at the park...all by himself! Up until last week, he wouldn't even attempt to walk on these unless someone was holding his had all the way. I'm so proud of my boy!
Look at that proud of himself!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Terrible Two's?? Teething??

C&H were sick last week with fever, cough, runny nose...the whole bit. Since then, they have been extremely cranky...ESPECIALLY Cooper. They have been hitting and pushing and yelling at each other! Cooper says 'hold you Mommy' one hundred million times a day...and I just have to tell him that Mommy can't hold him all day long. I'm not sure if it's the terrible two's raring in full force, or the fact that C has two molars coming in, or a combination of both, but this past week has been so challenging for me....I am talking, I have broken down several times and been on the verge of loosing my mind. I am really hoping this is just a stage and passes very quickly! Being able to get outside the past few days has helped tremendously! And even though, I have been ready to shoot someone one second...I see a sliver of sweetness between the two of them and I feel so much better the next.

How sweet is this?? When we are playing outside, Hadley carries around 'her baby' which is their catepillar sprinkler from last summer! She is so funny...C is pulling H and her 'baby' in their wagon!
Please pray for me that I don't loose my mind before they turn 3!! haha