Saturday, March 5, 2011


C&H know they aren't allowed to push buttons on the remote because it'll mess up the TV. The other night, H & I were in the playroom playing and I hadn't heard or seen C in a few minutes. At our house, silence = getting into I went checking on him! I found him lounging in the chair pushing buttons on the remote while the TV was all fuzz! When he knows he is doing something he isn't supposed to be doing, he has started saying 'huh' to every answer I ask...

Me: Cooper, are you pushing buttons on the remote??
C: Huh??
Me: Cooper, are you supposed to be playing with that??
C: Huh??
Me: Cooper, are you going to get in trouble if you play with that??
C: Huh??
Me: Cooper, did you mess up the TV??
C: Uh Oh!!

Little STINKER!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this!! When I catch Avery doing something she's not supposed to do, she looks at me, smiles, and says, "HI!" Little stinkers!!