Thursday, March 17, 2011

Potty Time

I have been researching the 3 Day Potty Training Method...and am very close to trying it. I bought the Ebook and Michael & I both have been reading up on it! As soon as I can find 3-4 days where we have nothing on our schedule, we are going to give it a try! Cooper has been doing really good about telling us he needs to tee-tee and going immediately...he even poo-poo'd in the potty the other day! I have been so proud of him, and I think he is going to be super easy to potty train. Hadley on the other hand, is going to be a little more difficult! The only time she shows interest is when she sees C getting a few M&M's for going potty, but she just sits and does nothing. I just keep thinking about being diaper-free...just think of the $$ we will be saving!

Here is a little video of C after waking up from his nap the other day. I went to change him once he got up and he said he needed to tee-tee. He ran in there and tee-tee'd before I even made it into the bathroom. MeMe and Sweet Pa got them these cute ducky potties for Christmas that sing when you go...he loves it!!!
{Sorry it's sideways!!}

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I'm going to attempt the same method too very soon! I've heard the first day and the first part of the second day are pretty rough, but I'm ready to be diaper free too!