Friday, March 18, 2011

Terrible Two's?? Teething??

C&H were sick last week with fever, cough, runny nose...the whole bit. Since then, they have been extremely cranky...ESPECIALLY Cooper. They have been hitting and pushing and yelling at each other! Cooper says 'hold you Mommy' one hundred million times a day...and I just have to tell him that Mommy can't hold him all day long. I'm not sure if it's the terrible two's raring in full force, or the fact that C has two molars coming in, or a combination of both, but this past week has been so challenging for me....I am talking, I have broken down several times and been on the verge of loosing my mind. I am really hoping this is just a stage and passes very quickly! Being able to get outside the past few days has helped tremendously! And even though, I have been ready to shoot someone one second...I see a sliver of sweetness between the two of them and I feel so much better the next.

How sweet is this?? When we are playing outside, Hadley carries around 'her baby' which is their catepillar sprinkler from last summer! She is so funny...C is pulling H and her 'baby' in their wagon!
Please pray for me that I don't loose my mind before they turn 3!! haha


mary Beshears said...

They are just PRECIOUS!
Praying for you!!!
I cant even imagine...
Love YA

Hayley said...

I thought maybe I was the only one cloase to loosing my cool. I'm hoping it's just a stage thing too...or the fact that they still are not 100% better. Hope it passes soon for you!! Too bad we don't live closer so we could just let the daddy's watch them while we sew!!!

Amy and Jerry said...

I'm sure it's a combination of the things you mentioned. Treyson still sometimes will do some pushing, whining, hitting because--even though he is very verbal--it's an impulse reaction when he can't express his feelings quickly. Hang in there....I can remember some days when I called Jerry at 5:01 asking him if he was on his way home yet so that I could escape!! Praying that this phase will pass quickly for you!