1 1/2 years
...18 months
...79 weeks...
548 days...
13,152 hours...
789,120 seconds old!
Oh my goodness...how could this be possible??
Are my babies really that old??
Raising children is so bitter sweet....it makes me so sad to see them growing up so fast, however it is so amazing to see them learn & grow everyday! With every month that passes, I continually say that that particular month is my favorite age...it just keeps getting better and better! I swear my heart is going to burst with joy one of these days because my heart grows fuller and fuller with love everyday for Cooper & Hadley! They amaze me and Michael & I are the luckiest people on earth to be their Mommy & Daddy!
You are such an amazing and spunky little girl! From day one, you have known exactly what you want & when you want it and you let us know that every single day! Your vocabulary has
really taken off lately and you are communicating very well and letting us know exactly what you want. You are starting to really love on your brother. If you take something from him or he is crying, you will pat him on the head & say 'hi bubba'....it is the sweetest thing! 99% of the time you don't nap as long as Cooper, and you love to go in with Mommy and get him up from his nap once he wakes up...you just squeal & say 'hi bubba'! You love to draw & will reach for the pencils everytime you walk through the kitchen! You love to fix your hair and brush your teeth and put your shoes on! You have 12 teeth! You LOVE to play outside and you love it when we get the sprinklers and water table out! You tell us everytime you poo-poo and I don't think it will be too long before we start potty-training you! You love to read books or to be read to! You go to bed between 7-7:30 and you usually sleep till 6:30 or 7 with 1 1/2-2 hour nap. You sign for 'milk' & 'all done'. You love to play 'SO BIG' and you will hold up one finger when we ask how old you are! Hadley, you mean the world to us and we love you to the moon & back!

Hadley's words at 18 months:
hi, bye, mama, daddy, Nana, Daddoo, Gracie, BeBe, Matt, Pogee, Meme, Sweet Pa (PaPa), MoMo, drink, milk, nose, eye, doggie, ball, Bubba, teetee, bobo, poopoo, b (paci), cookie, uh-huh, no, tickle-tickle, bite, night-night (ni-ni), baby, please
You are such an adorable and sweet little boy! You have got the cutest personality and have your own way of communicating without words, however, you are starting to say some things! You are all boy...you love to get dirty & you love to be outside! You are constantly pushing anything that will move! You are starting to love trucks & cars...well, anything with wheels! You love to watch Daddy on his tractor & you love to watch big trucks or trains go by! You and your sister say 'hi' or 'hi Daddy' whenever you see an airplane fly over! Your hair is turning so blonde and is getting so long and curly! You have 13 teeth (with 3 more 'I' teeth just under the skin). You love to brush your teeth and take a bath! You go to bed between 7-7:30 and usually sleep till around 8 with a two-hour (sometimes longer) nap. And you hate to be woken up! You still love to snuggle (especially when your sleepy) and when you give kisses you think it is so funny! You love to play 'SO BIG' and you will hold up one finger when we ask how old you are! You sign for all done when you are through eating and ready to get down! Cooper, you are the light of our world and we love you to the moon and back!

Cooper's words at 18 months:
mama, dada, nana, sissy, tee tee, ball, hi, bye