Monday, February 11, 2008

The Let Down...

OK, you can all stop holding your breath....I got a negative test back today. I am NOT pregnant & even though I had that 'gut feeling', it hurt really bad to hear the nurse say, "I have some bad news for you." I felt like such a failure..I felt like I had lost 3 just felt horrible!!

I just wanted to tell everyone what a amazing man that I have in my life. I couldn't have gotten through all of this without him...that is for sure!! He has been so supportive & help me stay strong throughout this whole experience. He made a good point today...we have so much to be thankful for in our lives right now & even though this is so tough, we still have each other & we can always try again. I love you baby & thank you so much!!!

Thank you for cheering me on and being there for me this month! Here's to more fun next time! There is another cycle in April, so hopefully I will be ready by then to start all over again!!!


Anonymous said...

I thought about you today and am so sorry. I'll say a prayer for both of you.

Jen said...

I've been thinking about and praying for both of you...and will continue to do so! There's not too much that can be said right now to make things "better", but I know that you and Michael will make it through this just fine because you have one another and your faith!

The Campbells said...

You are both in our thoughts and prayers.

me said...

i'm sorry that you had to go through this today. i will continue to pray for you and michael. it is such a great time to grow closer as a couple. i believe this will happen for you.

Anonymous said...

Mary Kate,
I just want you and Michael to know that I'm praying for you. I know this will happen sooner or later. It is the waiting that is the hard part. We love you guys and if you need to talk, i'm just a phone call away.

P.S. I love Charlie, he is sooo cute. I want to meet him when we come up again!

Lindsey said...

I'm so sorry this didn't work your first time. You're so blessed to have each other, & your strength is such an example to us. I pray God will heal your hearts quickly and give you both peace. Tomorrow will be a brighter day!

Becca said...

I'm so sorry. How tired are you of hearing people say that? Ugh. Praying for you guys...

Anonymous said...

MK, you are not a failure! You are anything but! My friend went through what you are going through and the first time around it didn't work for her, but the second did! She is due this summer and found out this morning she is having a boy! We are all praying for you and Michael. I love you!
