Monday, May 18, 2009

Prunes anyone???

Cooper still hasn't pooed yet. Thank you for all your helpful comments. We have tried the Karo syrup. He has never been regular & we have used that several times in the past couple of months & it has worked like a charm until now. I called the dr. this morning & he said to give him 1/4-1/2 tsp of metamucil mixed with a little bit of water. I gave him some around 3:30 or 4:00 so hopefully sometime tonight he will go! If this doesn't work we will try the prune juice & water or the vaseline method! Thanks again!

Poor Cooper hasn't pooed in almost a week & I am getting kind of worried. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but I have been trying everything to get him to go. Last night I mixed their cereal with prune juice. These pictures don't show the truth. Hadley was wincing & gagging the whole time. She ate some, but I could tell she didn't really like it! Cooper on the other hand usually isn't that into his cereal, but he was like a little bird last night! I couldn't get another bite in his mouth quick enough....he loved the prune juice! 


Erin said...

Lily Ann would get backed up too! I would give her an ounce of Prune juice mixed with 2 ounces of water! I had to make sure to give it to her when she was hungry or she wouldn't take it! Let's just say it works!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Mary Kate,

Have you tried Karo Syrup in their bottles? Just a little...It REALLY helped with mine when they were having that problem...

Good luck!

The Sharum's said...

If the prunes don't work try a tad of warm water..That always worked for us ;0)

Jill said...

Oh my gosh...can they get any cuter!? Love the pics! Hope Cooper poos soon. :)


Patti said...

I mix rice cereal with Gerber's Organic Prunes and my daughter LOVES it, although it looks like BBQ sauce...strange. They also have prunes with apples. Haven't tried the juice yet, good idea. Beware, many older women will insist that your babies are constipated if they don't poop often or if their poop has any firmness to it. My mother-in-law talks about my daughters poop more then I care to share and it drives me NUTS! :)

Jeff, Sarah, Harrison, Avery and Elliott said...

I can not believe how big they are getting. Harrison got constipated on rice cereal too. Our doctor told us to switch to baby oatmeal. We switched to the Gerber DHA Oatmeal Cereal. Now Harrison is like clockwork. He poops about 3 times a day! :)

We just love checking out your blog. Keep the pictures coming!

Dawn said...

Hi, wanted to comment.
This worked on my daughter but she was younger. The Dr took a cotton swab with vaseline on it and barely inserted it into her bottom. Later that evening she pooed. Later on it happened again and I did it and worked again. It's like it kick starts it or something. I'm not sure if it will work for you but maybe worth a try?

Emma Grace's mom said...

Karo syrup is what our doctor recommended and it worked great with Emma Grace will still use it occasionally but they told me to get the dark kind. We would just add a teaspoon to her bottle or sippie and it has never bothered her.
Good Luck!

Bobbie said...

Karo syrup works wonders. I was told my my pediatrician 1 tbsp per 2 ounces of formula. I also give water mixed with apple juice so it's 1/2 and 1/2 for constipation. I'm delurking.. I found your blog before you had your sweet angels.. I loved reading and still do.. my youngest is close in age she was born Jan 30th.

Anonymous said...

Apricots work wonders also....I wouldn't worry too much...
Their little bodies go through adjustments just like ours..
Oatmeal instead of rice might work also!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Fred also recommended the metamucil. We tried that several times and it didnt work and that is when we started the Karo. When that didnt work after a while we did the vaseline thing. Or should I say my husband did it. I just couldnt bring myself to do that. Anyway, it really works! Good Luck! Poor Cooper!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog often and think you guys have the most precious family!!! I am a single mother to 3 beautiful children who all seem to have problems with regularity- My doctor recommends MIRALAX which is natural and is used daily. It has been a life savor for my family for sure. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Our little guy, who is now 6, had some issues from about 2 months on! He would go about once a week and this was "normal" for him. By age 4, it began affecting our lives and his going to pre-k. He would start having what we actually named "the poop capades" about 2 or 3 days before he would actually poop! Then when he did, it was so huge, it would clog up the toilet. We tried all the tricks with him, and finally ended up giving him Miralax, for about a month, and for the past year, he has gone daily, and no longer clogs up the toilet! The poor guy still remembers the poop capades though, and so does his mommy! Good luck with Cooper! Those babies are precious and I love your blog! Email me at if you want any of my hard earned pointers! Melissa

Anonymous said...

Ask your doctor if you can try Miralax--it is the most awesome stuff in the whole world. My sond pediatric gastroentorologist is the one who started him on it!