Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dear Sleep Fairy....

Please visit Hadley's crib tonight & sprinkle your magic fairy dust to make her sleep like an angel! Please reset her internal alarm clock from 4:00 am to 8:00 am! Cooper is already sleeping like an sweet angel so please don't mess with him!! Thank you Sleep Fairy!!!
❤, Mommy


Amanda said...

and if she could visit my little Maxi's crib as well that would be GREAT! ;)

The Dorns said...

We actually own this sleep fairy CD for my daycare. We love it and the kids ask for it at naptime. It is more of positive affirmations and a good night story. Hope you start getting more sleep its tough when one is sleeping and the other wont. Guess that better then both of them being up though.

kelle grogan said...

whew, i have one waking up at 3:30 every morning, crying and wide awake!

The Lane Family said...

If the sleep fairy answers your request would you send her our way!!!???

jenn said...

i hope she visit's..tell her to come my way next:)