How cute is my new cell phone monogram??? I JUST HAD to share! L.O.V.E it!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Talking @ 15 1/2 Month
First off, let me apologize for my long break in blogging! Hopefully, none of you all missed me too much! I have been SUPER busy with work these past two weeks and every second C&H have been sleeping, I have been working and that is usually when I blog! But I am now finished with my project, and I am back!
I have been horrible in the picture taking department lately also! I get so frustrated because it is so hard to get any decent pictures these day! I did get this video of C&H in the tub tonight talking. I was trying to get them to say as much as they could. The only other word I forgot was 'baby' which Hadley says all the time! Here you go...enjoy!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Easter Bunny 2010
Tonight we took C&H to visit the Easter Bunny! They did great...Hadley was a little skeptical at first but sat on his lap without a tear! This is just a pic I took...they are both looking at the camera in the actual one, but I am to impatient to scan it!
Here is last year's, how they have changed!!
Afterwards, we all went to eat at Chili's...C&H did great & even got to experience their first sucker thanks to the Easter Bunny! They were in heaven! I was expecting two little (I mean big) tantrums once they were gone, but they barely even fussed! We had a great evening...just our sweet family of four!
Once we got home, I wanted to get a few shots of them in their matching outfits before we got ready for bed...yeah, that's impossible these days, as you can see!!! They are CONSTANTLY moving!!
We have this stone dog in our entryway...
...and Hadley has fallen...
....DEEPLY.... L♥VE!!
If I can't find her at anytime...I know exactly where to look!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friends Visit
We got a call last week from some of our closest friends from college. They were going to be in town visiting some family & wanted to stop by & see us! We were so excited. They have B/G twins also who are almost 5. They are the cutest things would never know they were twins from their sizes, would you??

We tried getting a shot of all 4 kiddos, but it was more difficult than I thought! Oh well, this is still cute!

Thanks so much guys for stopping by to visit! It was such a treat! Man, how our lives have changed since college!!! ☺
Girly Girl!
Last night, Daddo, Nana & Pogee came over to our house for dinner. Hadley was sure into Pogee...or maybe her necklace! Pogee let her wear it & she thought she was hot stuff! Then she would walk up to Pogee & just hug was too sweet! She loves her some jewelry...just get ready Daddy!!!

Please excuse Cooper in the video...he had just gotten in trouble with Daddy for doing the exact same thing 3 times in a row....he wasn't getting any attention crying in the other room, so he had to come in where we were & get some sympathy! He wasn't happy & just wanted Mommy!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We thought it was Springtime?? Weren't we outside playing on Friday in 70 degree weather?? This was taken around 10 am this morning and it still hasn't stopped snowing today....I am sure we have around 9 inches or so! Crazy AR weather....I can't believe we have gotten this much snow in mid-March! I think by Tuesday, it's supposed to be 60-70 degrees again! I CAN'T WAIT!

Oh well, we have enjoyed a day at home in our PJ's! Daddy went & got us donuts for breakfast this morning! It was C&H's first time to eat donut holes...

...and they LOVED them! They ate 1/2 dozen each!!!

We have also loved watching the pretty snow fall outside from inside our warm & cozy home!

We hope you all had a wonderful Sunday as well!
Way to Go Michael!

I just wanted to take a second congratulate my husband on his dream of becoming a pilot! After many hours in the air and many hours studying for all his tests, he recently has acquired both his VFR & IFR licenses. Friday afternoon, I went flying with him for the first time. It was both fun & exhilarating at the same time and I realized first-hand what an awesome pilot Michael has become! I have so proud of him.
Congrats Baby...we are so proud of you!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
15 Month Well Baby Checkup!
Today we went for C&H's 15 month well baby checkup...all is good with both of them. They are right on track developmentally and growth wise. It couldn't have gone any better, except for the fits Mr. Cooper threw in the waiting room...oh yeah, it finally happened in public & it was quite embarrassing when there is nothing you can do to make him happy. He was NOT happy that we wouldn't let him put the train in his mouth or wouldn't let him go play in the sick baby waiting room...oh that boy...not sure what we are going to do with him! Our doctor kind of laughed when I mention the fit throwing...he said it's just begun! He said toddler fits usually peak around age two and go away around age 3...whew, I guess we better get used to it!!!
Here are their stats:
Weight: 26 lbs even 85%
Length: 32 1/4" 90%
Head: 19" 85%
Weight: 25 lbs even 85%
Length: 31" 80%
Head: 18 3/4" 90%
You know me...I can't post without some pics! Notice the knot above Coop's right eye...he had a little fight with the tile floor this morning. Needless to say, he wasn't pretty!!!
Just eating & reading to pass the time!

Dr. Fred was playing around with Cooper & put this think on his nose and called him Pinochio. It doesn't look like it here but Cooper thought it was hilarious! It was so cute!

Going to the doctor is exhausting!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2010
Happy St. Patty's Day to all of you out there! Here are our little leprechans this morning wearing their green! I hope you are wearing yours today too!! If not consider yourself pinched!!

And for a trip down memory lane, our little leprechans this time last, how things have changed! (and to think I thought it was hard then...hahaha!!!)

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Who's Is That I Hear??
Who is that I hear?

It's DADDY!!!

This girl loves her Daddy!

His sweet baby girl!

Oh how it melts my heart to see the kiddos reaction when their Daddy comes home...Hadley is always so excited to see him & shows it! Cooper is excited to but usually doesn't show too much reaction cause he is too busy playing or exploring in his own little world!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bye-Bye Bottles!
UPDATE: C&H are down for the night and not a peep was made when I gave them sippys instead of their bottle! It never fazed them...thank goodness! I am so thankful they didn't pitch fits for their 'babas'! Bye-Bye won't be missed (at least cleaning you!!!)
Since C&H turned 1 year, they have taken their milk by sippy cups during the day and have gotten a bottle at nighttime. We have had such an easy bedtime routine, that I (selfishly) didn't want to take it away. But the time has come...they are 15 months old now and I really think they are ready. Last night was their last bottle! I hope I am not jinxing myself for posting this today before seeing how they will react, but I am thinking positive. I think they will do fine, but I keep you updated! Here are my little cuties with their last bottle ever!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
15 Months Old!
I know for 15 months in a row now I have said the same thing but.....

They are full blown toddlers more babies!! I have been looking back at old pictures & wanting to cry...I miss those coos & quirky little grins I used to get, but oh how I am enjoying these two at this age! They are so much fun!

Words they are saying:
Cooper-Dada, Mama
Hadley-Dada, Mama, Hi, Bye, Ni-Ni (Night Night), Nana, Eye 


Things I love about this age & don't want to forget:
Cooper-I love how you walk right now...your hands are always up by your shoulders (see pic below), I love how you will just come up to me and lay your head down on my shoulder and love on your Mommy, and I love your sweet kisses!
Hadley-I love how you pat me on the back when I am holding you just like I always pat you, I love how you say 'bye' now instead of 'bye-bye', and I love how you love to blow kisses!

Cooper and Hadley,
I never thought I could love you more than the day you were born, but with each passing day my love grows for you! You both amaze me daily with what you all are learning! You are both so smart & know exactly how to get what you want! Your Daddy & I love you with all our heart and would do anything in this world for you! We are so blessed to have you two in our lives and to have been chosen to be your Mommy & Daddy! We love you both to the moon & back!

As you can well see, these two cuties had a blast on their cousin's trampoline today...thanks Bebe for snapping these pics! LOVE them!
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