Monday, July 12, 2010

First Day of Mother's Day Out

Today was C&H's first day of Mother's Day Out! I am so glad they had no clue what they were doing or where they were going because I think I was nervous enough for all of us! I was worried about them throwing fits, and not wanting to eat, or nap, but they did great! Cooper went in & started playing right away, but Hadley was a little clingy. We got her attention on a play kitchen and Michael & I snuck out & I heard her start fussing once we were in the hallway! I couldn't quit worrying that she was still upset, so I decided to call & check on them...& they reassured me they both were doing I enjoyed the rest of the day! When I picked them up, they were playing so well, & were so excited to see me! They said their favorite part of the day was going on a walk outside and said numerous times what good eaters they were...AND they napped! I was so happy! It was a successful first day & I hope they are excited to go back on Wednesday!!!

Ready to go 'bye-bye'!
I realized looking back at pics from the day...this is the only one of them even looking in my direction :( Isn't that horrible?? I am almost embarrassed to post it due to the dirty door!
C&H's new backpacks!!! I LOVE them!
They are the perfect size for them! (we are gutting our kitchen...that's why there's a huge dumpster in our driveway!)
Our big boy playing on his own! I didn't get a picture of Hadley because we had to sneak out!! :(
Overall, it was a great day! I really hope they are excited to go to 'school' from now on!!!


The Hams said...

They are so cute! My twins are starting a Mother's Day Out program next month....and I am nervous, too! I hope that Abby and Jack do as well as Cooper and Hadley!

Erin said...

Mary Kate, they look so old! Where did the time go?? I'm so glad they loved school! Addi LOVES going to school everyday, but drop offs are still a little teary. I know she's in good hands so I don't worry about her. I'm glad you are getting some "me" time too! You deserve it!!!!

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

We are starting MDO on August 31. I am so nervous, too! I am jealous you got to start in July, I am so looking forward to getting the 'to-do list' done and totally concetrate on the boys when they are home. They seemed to do great! Love the outfits!

Karen said...

They look so cute all dressed up alike!!! I'm glad they enjoyed their 1st day!!!

Liz said...

Oh, and we all have dirty doors like that! Mine has crayon on it right now...

Liz said...

What a fun day for the kiddos!! I think they'll just love meeting and playing with new friends! Sounds like you've done a great job and they've just rolled with this new stage in their lives! I'm sure H had stopped crying before you got to your car! So great for you, too!! Sounds like you have a lot going on with the kitchen but take some time for yourself while the kiddos are at 'school'!! Love their backpacks!!

mary Beshears said...

I'm so glad they had a great first day of school!!! They both looked precious!

Megan said...

Where did you get backpacks? They are so cute!

Melissa said...

Our wee ones start MDO in the Fall and I am so excited for them to start something new. They still cry on Sundays when we leave them in the nursery so it is time to get them used to being away from us. It is so hard though and I always feel so quilty leaving them when they are screaming! So glad that they did so well. They are dresseed so cute for their first day!

Me! said...

oh Mary Kate !! these brought tears to my eyes!! I love love their little outfits!!

Hayley said...

that's so sweet. b&b are going to start "school" in the fall. i hope they like it!!!

Laura Ann said...

You have the most ADOREABLE kids adn I think they get cuter and cuter everyday, seriouslly!

Oh, this is going to be such a wonderful experience for both of them. Emma started at 15 months old and Gavin will start in August at 17 months old. Emma loves her MDO and talks about it all the time. I am already praying Gavin does not get kicked out the first week for biteing someone. That boy is a mess.

Got your info about vacation, thank you. We went to the Bahamas and had a blast. I should be posting soon. I think I am still in recovery mode and just crawled out from under 10 loads of laundry.

Looks like C&H did awesome today.