Monday, September 27, 2010

Beautiful day...Beautiful Kids!

Just a few cute pics of our beauties today on this beautiful day after school!

Seriously...are they really twins?? Look at those identical poses!!
I just adore this series of pictures! Cooper is obsessed right now with 'daddies' (aka AIRPLANES) When we see a plane in the sky he starts screaming 'DADDY' and fusses when the plane is out of sight! In the first picture, we could hear a jet coming, in the second pic he spotted it, and in the third picture he is fussing cause he couldn't see it anymore! Seriously, it is just me or is he not the sweetest little thing???

1 comment:

Emily N Coleman said...

That is precious! Don't you love to see them get so excited about things they love and especially things that their daddy loves?
He is so handsome!