Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guess who tee-tee'd on the POTTY????


11 days shy of his 2nd birthday, Cooper tee-tee'd on the potty for the first time! I have been asking C&H alot lately if they want to sit on the potty and try to tee-tee and they adamantly tell me 'NO' every time and that's the end of it! I do mention candy occasionally but that hasn't tempted them at all! Last night when we were getting out of the bathtub, I asked (like normal) and to my surprise Cooper said 'yes'. So up he went on the big potty...he sat there for a couple of minutes, asked for a book to read, and while I was putting on Hadley's diaper I noticed tee-tee shooting across the room! He immediately grabbed his tee-tee and yelled 'TEE-TEE"! When he grabbed it, it went down into the potty and he finished his business! I yelled and screamed and praised him so much afterwards! He was SO proud of himself and his 2 M&M's that he got that his sister REALLY wanted but couldn't have until she tee-tee'd in the potty! I really thought seeing him get all the attention and the candy would entice her to try, but I am still getting a stern 'NO'! After we got our PJs on, we had to call everybody and tell them what a big boy Cooper was! He talked on the phone to his daddy, grandmothers, and aunts & said 'tee-tee in potty' and Hadley would yell in the background 'yeah Bubba'. She was so proud too! Today, I have asked several times and gotten 'no' from both of them! I don't want to push them too hard about it since they aren't even 2 yet, but I am dreaming of the days of no diapers!!! A girl can dream, right????

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