Thursday, March 24, 2011

Potty Training: Day 2

Update: Cooper woke up around 12:15 last night crying and saying, "tee-tee Mama, tee-tee in potty" so I ran in there....and sure enough he had a dry pullup and went tee-tee in the potty and then went right back to sleep! =)

As soon as I went into get C&H up this morning, Hadley asked for 'big girl panties' and Cooper asked to go tee-tee in the potty! I was hoping this was a good sign! First off, I just wanted to say how proud I am of them! Cooper didn't have one accident ALL DAY long! Hadley had a few, but she holds it so long until she can't hold it any longer! She didn't tee-tee at all from 8:00 am till about 3:oo pm....and then she just had a few dribbles...and then about an hour later, she had a BIG accident! But she did poo-poo in the potty tonight...which is a HUGE deal for her! There were lots of stickers, and candy, and surprises given out today! I just love seeing their eyes light up when their duck potties start singing too them when they go and I love seeing their excitement as they choose what prize they want! I put them down for their nap in their panties/underwear just praying that they would go to sleep and wake up dry and they both slept for 1.5-2 hours and both woke up dry and asking to go potty! It was for sure a 'proud mommy' moment!

Here is our surprise jar that they get to choose from! I went to the 'Dollar Tree' and picked out lots of fun stuff I thought they would enjoy! They have loved it...this was after 1.5 days!
And this is their sticker chart...can you tell someone got some stamps as a prize and went to town on the sticker chart!! =)
It was really cold this morning and I knew it would warm up later today, so I didn't want to turn on the heat, so I pulled out their old 'BabyLegs'. Although they looked kind of silly, they were perfect for potty training because I really didn't want to mess with pants!!
"Mommy Wook, I tee-tee'd"
Pretty boy!
Getting a sticker...notice the high heels...she doesn't take them off much during the day! haha
Playing games on Mommy's phone while trying to poo-poo!


mary Beshears said...

Way to go Cooper and Hadley!!

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

This gives me hope! We are trying this method in two weeks, I am super nervous!! I was happy to see you are waiting on the nighttime, we were thinking the same thing. And I got the shirts...ADORABLE!!!

Mrs. Jenk said...

Way to go! Abby's day is coming soon- thanks for the ideas!