Thursday, February 12, 2009

2 mo Dr. Visit

We are home from the doctor & all is well with the babies!! They got a good report overall & he said to keep up the good work! He told us last time that we would be getting their 2 mo shots today, but come to find out they don't give shots anymore. They make you go to the health department...what!!! Something about insurance only reimbursing them half of what it was costing them to give immunizations so they just stopped giving them since they were loosing so much money! I really don't blame them, but it sucks for us!! I wish they would have told us this at our last appt so that we could have made an appt! We had to call today to make an appt & can't get in until March 5th and we have to drive to Ozark! Well we don't have to, but they really recommended not going to the FS health department. They said even if you have an appt you will wait for hours! They said it would be quicker to drive a little & get right in! What a hassle, but anything for my babies!!!! :) 


Weight: 10 lbs 11 oz (75%)
Length: 22  1/4 in (75%)
Head: 15 3/8 in (90%)

Weight: 9 lbs 6.5 oz (50%)
Length: 21 5/8 in (75%)
Head: 14 7/8 in (55%)


Anonymous said...

Hadley is almost the exact size Maddox was the day he was born! - Jennifer Glover

Sherry Drennan said...

We go to Dr. Fred and ran into the same problem w/ the shots. We go to the Health Dept in Booneville. We can usually get an appt w/in a few days and we are in and out in about 15 minutes. There are usually not a lot of people there at all. The # is: 479-675-2593 if you are interested!

Jennifer said...

That does stink! Don't forget your baby Tylenol! That seemed to really help Brody when we got his shots in December.

They have grown so much! I bet it gets hard trying to carry two carseats. I have a hard enough time with one!:)

Jill said...

Oh my gosh, they are SO CUTE all bundled up! Health dept = a pain in the rear...but you gotta keep those babies healthy! :)

Have a great weekend, girl!


Shelley said...

precious babies are growing soooo fast! I hated the health office, BUT, at least there's not normally sick people there. (At least not here...)

Lisa said...

The proud parents must be doing something right!! They are growing wonderfully. As goes for the shots...what a hassle and a big pain. That is very odd that they don't do the shots anymore!!

Jeff, Sarah, Harrison, Avery and Elliott said...

We are so glad Cooper and Hadley are doing so well! They are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I also have twins ( 5 months) and used Dr. Fred. I switched when I found out about the shots. Really wish we hadn't tho! Our Nanny takes her kids to Van Buren H.D. and gets in really quick everytime! I saw your blog when I went on your sister's website to make appt with her. We also went to Tulsa and Dr. Prough. Took us 3 times! I just have "Old Eggs" as Dr. Prough said ( I am 43) but worked for us 3rd time. I have really enjoyed your blog! Your babies are beautiful!

Jill said...

They are absolutely adorable - amazing how quickly they grow!

Orianna Black said...

I was just talking about that with a lady from our playgroup last night who was having the same problem, it is crazy! We go to Dr. Hendrickson at Pediatric Partners, they are located in the physicians building at St Edwards and we really love him. They do the vaccinations in their office and they have two waiting rooms, sick and well child ...highly recommend...I would not be thrilled to go to the health Department either ;-(
Your little ones are growing so fast and are so precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the Pediatric Partners. We use Dr. Hendrickson as well and are able to get our immunizations at his office. By the way I work for an insurance company and don't cry too hard for the Doctors. They are making plenty of money to account for the immunizations. I think it is ridiculous that they require their patients to go elsewhere.