Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day with the stomach bug...

What more could I have asked for?? A whole week after Michael had it, it hit me too! Early Saturday morning, I woke up feeling a little nauseous & then around 5 am I started throwing up....I absolutely hate to throw up!!! I threw up & had diarrhea all morning & slept the rest of the day! Thank you Michael for being such a good Daddy & taking care of the babies!! I still don't feel like myself today, but I am feeling better and can't wait to get my hands on those babies once they wake up!! I hope everyone had a better Valentine's Day than I did!!!

OMG... about forgot to mention this....I did get an iPhone Friday night for Valentine's Day! Yeah for hubby!! ILY!!


Lisa said...

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Hope you get well soon, so you can take care of your two little ones. I will be praying for you!

You have taken some really cute pics. Rest up!

Meinardus Photography said...

Bless your heart! I am sorry! I hope you get better ASAP! Congrats on the iphone! prepared to be adicted! I love mine and don't know what I would do without it!

Samantha said...

Sick...UGH! Were you feeling bad Friday night at dinner? We're all okay, so surely it's not food poisoning. We had a great time. Thanks again for going out w/us!:0)

Guess what I got for Valentine's Day?! Oh, just a little...

NOTHING!!!! I gave Eric his card and a huge hug and he said "Oh, you've done one better than me!" Ha, ha, ha! Not funny, although he thought it was! Then he started in about how dinner Friday was the gift...'cause, you know, we never go out for dinner, never go to Red Lobster, never eat, never ingest food, so of course that would be a super special Valentine sentiment! It really hurt my feelings, but he didn't understand why. Such a man...sorry, Michael's a man, too, but at least he wasn't thinking like the normal cave man for Valentine's Day...

Candi said...

I've been a lurker for awhile and wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon!!

Kari said...

Oh! That is just awful! I am glad that you are feeling better though! Jackie and I did nothing for Valentine's Day. {well, nothing together...haha} We had a Valentine's Banquet at our church that our Youth puts on to raise money for their summer camp trip. And, my husband works with the Youth group, so he was working there. Me and Audrey sat with the Pastor and his wife...and Charlotte was in the nursery! SOOO romantic!! haha

Jill said...

Ugh...I hate to throw up, as well. I'm so sorry you've been sick. I'm happy to hear you're feeling a little better.

I have iPhone envy. :) They are so awesome!


In This Wonderful Life said...

congrats on the iphone!! jealous! hope your tummy bug goes away soon!

Erin said...

I am glad the shots went well! I remember the first few times I took my daughter and I HATED IT! It was so sad to see them cry!!!

Seaside Prep said...

IPhone= awesome!! Hope you are feeling better! :)