Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Random iPhone Pictures!

I am so bad about taking pics with my iPhone & never putting them on my blog. If you are one of my Facebook friends, you have probably seen all of these, but they are my favorite recent iPhone pictures!

❤Twin LOVE❤
Whenever I go somewhere in public with C&H alone, we ALWAYS use a stroller or buggy for obvious reasons! Michael was with us the other evening when we went to Old Navy so we just let them walk & hold our hands. I guess we were stressing holding our hands alot while we were in there cause they had to hold every mannequin's hand as we passed!!!
Our bike ride on a cool morning in our PJs...priceless!
C&H and Charlie saying hello to the kitties out the window!
Hadley is into wearing my hats lately. This one fits her great cause it's adjustable to fit smaller heads! She wanted to look in the mirror so I let her stand on the steps to our bathtub...and someone else wanted in on the fun too!!!
Enjoying a drink after playing outside one hot morning!!!
My nieces gave C&H this set of horses a while back and I decided to put it up for a rainy day! I pulled it out recently & they are in love! They love to play horses!
When we visit Pogee, C&H either want to push her walker or ride on her walker! This particular day they had a double ride!!! :)
Hadley & Nana reading!
H stirring in her bowl!!
H sending her baby off to school!!!
Silly {HOT} girl!
Riding Mr. Giraffe!
Cooper is constantly gnawing on his fingers...poor guy!!!
MeMe recently bought some new toys at her house for when we come & visit! Cooper loves the dress-up shoes!!! It's hilarious to watch him walking in them!
He wanted to wear H's squeaky shoes the other day too....and threw a fit until I put them on him! I swear we aren't trying to turn him into a sissy!! He sees his sister wearing bows & cute shoes & doesn't know any different! I swear he really is ALL BOY!!
We have a whole drawer of hats that either Nana or Pogee have knitted over the years and C&H love to pull them out & wear them around the house! Cooper's favorite thing to do is pull it down over his eyes & walk around like he is blindfolded and them say Peek-a-Boo!!! Silly boy!
C hates to get his hands dirty...here he came up to me to let me know they were dirty and to clean them off!

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