Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fun Day at the Park!

I have been trying to get back into the routine of exercising daily. With Cooper & Hadley, I have to change up our location daily so that they don't get bored so day we will walk at home and the next we will go to the park or to Nana's get the point! One day last week, we went to Creekmore park to run. Once we got out of the car, C&H immediately spotted the playground, but were great to let me get my run in before we stopped to play. They contently ate their breakfast while I ran and then they got to run around and play while I cooled off! It worked great for all of us! ;)
Right when I was about to load them up to head to the car, I noticed the 'choo-choo' train getting ready to run! I had no idea it ran during the week and it was a pleasant surprise for all of us! Cooper and Hadley were so excited! It was a perfect end to our fun morning at the park!!!Photobucket

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