Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Say What? Wednesday

I am starting a new Say What? series since Cooper & Hadley are constantly saying cute and funny stuff these days and I want to document them all! I have been jotting them down for a while and here are some of their funnies:

  1. The other day I had to slam on my brakes and grimaced as I watched the car behind me in my rear view mirror to make sure they were stopping. I heard Hadley in the back seat yell, "Whoa Mama, be careful!!"
  2. The week before Easter, I took them to see the Easter Bunny one day. On the way to the mall, we were talking about him and how if they wouldn't cry he would give them a sucker, etc. They then started saying we were going to see 'HoHo' (that's what they call Santa)...and then I heard Hadley say, "It's snowing outside"...I think she was a little confused and associates HoHo with snow!
  3. When Cooper wants me to hold him he has been saying "hold you me". He has gotten really good at using please and thank you and has now started saying, "hold you me please"! Sweet boy!
  4. C&H both are doing very good on their counting. Lately though, they seem to get in a hurry, especially Hadley. The past couple of days, everytime I ask her "how many of this or that", she replies with 1-2-3-7-9...every single time! I have to stop her and make her count it slowly and she does it right...silly girl!
  5. Hadley has just started saying 'K, Mom' as a response to anything I ask her to's hilarious! For instance, if I ask her to put something away, or bring me something, she says, 'K, Mom' and does it! When did she grow up??
  6. Every morning when I go in to get them out of bed, I ask if they had sweet dreams and ask them what they dreamed about. For the longest time, Hadley's response was ALWAYS "barbie dolls, kitty cats, and baby dolls" and then she would answer for Cooper too "Cooper dreamed about trucks and tractors". Cooper would never really answer me until this past week, when he told me he dreamed about his Pogee. It just melted my heart! The next day, Hadley's response changed also....that night she dreamed about "pink Charlie (our dog), green Gracie (Nana's dog) and yellow Max (Pogee's dog)"! This girl is gonna have a huge imagination!

1 comment:

mary Beshears said...

My favorite comment is the one about Cooper saying he dreamed about Pogee! SO Sweet!