Friday, December 26, 2008

Car Seat Test

A couple of days before leaving the hospital, premies are required to pass a car seat test. They must sit in it for 1 hour without being touched to make sure their blood-oxygen level remains at a good level...if not you are required to go buy new car seats. Cooper & Hadley passed with no problem...thank goodness because I love these carseats!!! Here are some pics from the test...don't they look so small! I wish they could stay this small forever!! Coop still had his feeding tube that day, but it was removed soon after. Little Miss had pulled hers out that morning & they didn't have to put it back in since she was eating much better at this point!! By the way, they love their carseats too...I have never heard a peep out of them when we put them in them. I am sure that will change very soon...we have only had them in a couple of times!!


Lisa said...

Awww, they are so tiny in those BIG carseats. Too cute and thank you for sharing!!

Jordan said...

They look so tiny in those car seats.

Courtney Kay said...

they are so cute and tiny congrats!