Monday, January 10, 2011

Daddy's snuggles!

Every night after bath time, I dry one child off and tell them to go to their room to get their diaper & PJs on while I get the other out of the bath! I get the other dried off and tell them the same thing while I get the bathtub cleaned up. Instead of going to their room and waiting on me, they climb up in their Daddy's lap and watch TV for a second...naked booties and all! I had been wanting to get a picture of it, so I had my camera ready this particular night...C stayed like this while Daddy rocked him while I got H dressed in her PJs. He will probably kill me someday for posting this, but it's those special moments like this that I want to remember ALWAYS!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Okay, I just let out a loud Awwwwww. That is the sweetest thing ever.