Sunday, September 11, 2011

Destin-Day 1

Last Wednesday, September 7th, we headed out for Destin, FL with Michael's sister, Mary (MoMo) and her family! We had been looking forward to this beach trip all summer and had a scare the week before we were supposed to leave with all the hurricanes and tropical storms. We thought we might have rain all week, but the weather was AMAZING...highs in the 80's and sunny!

We packed up the plane the night before we left so that we would have less to do once we got to the airport on Wednesday. Cooper and Hadley were bouncing off the walls with excitement to get to the beach!
We ate a little breakfast and watched some cartoons while waiting on Daddy to get everything ready for the flight!
Our flight was a little under 3 hours. Overall, C&H did good! They had a few meltdowns, but just couldn't wait to get to the beach! We stayed busy by coloring and playing with stickers and putting on the headsets!
I took these cool shots along the coast right before we were about to land...
We got check into the condo and went and picked up the Beshears' a couple of hours later. This little cutie had a rough time on the plane rides but was an ANGEL the whole time they were here! She LOVED the sand!
We all got ready and headed out to the Back Porch for a YUMMY dinner!
After dinner, we let the kids play on the playground for a bit and then walked down to the water! Before I knew it, both of our kids were wet from the neck down! They just couldn't wait to get in the ocean (or lake as Cooper called it at first!)
We got the kids stripped from their wet clothes and headed down to the beach to 'crab hunt'! We didn't see one single crab, but we all had fun! Look at that gorgeous sunset!
Great first day!

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