Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Say What? Wednesday

Let me start off by saying Hadley is obsessed with her 'princess outfits'...aka some old dance leotards and skirts! If we are home for any amount of time, she is begging to put on a princess outfit! Yesterday on our walk, she said, "Awe look Mom, the sun has on a yellow princess outfit!"

They both love finding the moon in the sky. On our walk yesterday, there were several smoke trails from jets going across the sky and Hadley said, "those rockets are making roads on their way to the moon!"

Whenever I ask Cooper to do something lately, he has started saying, "I sure can Mama, I sure can". It is precious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these! And LOVE your Destin pics! I think the pics in the right side-bar are from your trip last year and it's amazing how much they've grown up! Can't wait to take A&A to the beach... think we'll make it VERY soon (fingers crossed!)