Oh how I love Spring time...my favorite time of the year!! I just love seeing all the trees budding & all the bulbs coming up! We have recently been doing some work in our backyard. Last year, we flagstoned our screened-in porch & patio & for this past Christmas, Michael's parents gave us an outdoor fireplace/grill. They have just recently finished & we got to enjoy it this past week!! It is wonderful...there was just enough chill in the air when the sun went down!!

We are also having the patio area landscaped & it is going to look so good! Here is the work from today & I will post a pic later in the week of the finished product!!
I also spent some time today planting a little. Here is my favorite! This is a wall planter by my garage...
And one last picture...for those of you that know my PERFECTIONIST husband, you have got to see this. I thought this was hilarious when I saw him in the yard on THIS...
Only Michael would go & rent one of these things to smooth out the ruts in the yard!!! He just can't stand for his yard to be messed up!! Oh how I am thankful that he is not just the opposite though!!
As for me & the IVF, I have finshed my first week of BCP & I go in next Friday for my first ultrasound & should find out when I can start my injections again!! I am so ready!!