Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Baby's Home & Happy Birthday Haley!!!

Michael made it home this morning from Alaska! He had a wonderful time, but I was so happy for him to be home! He said the fishing was UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Ten days is just too long for him to be gone!! Here are a few pics from his trip!!!

Their transportation for the week!!!

Also, I wanted to wish Haley, Michael's youngest sister, a

Today marks 21 weeks for me!!! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! These babies are going to be in my arms before I know it!! :)


Samantha said...

Wow! The fishing really was great, I guess! I know how hard it is when they're gone...I don't sleep until a few nights have gone by and I'm completely wiped out! I miss you guys. We need to get together soon! :0)

MiMi said...

What an amazing trip to Alaska! That must have been an awesome trip!

I love your blog and congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting! My oldest daughter, Faith, and her husband are dealing with infertility and it is so encouraging to read about your "journey"!

I wanted to thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comment. Please stop back by often and I always love to hear from you.