Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cranky girl!!

As I was looking through my pictures from the past two days, I realized I have
so many pics of Hadley either fussing or crying! I am thinking her gums are
bothering her, but I am not sure. She has an upper tooth that has been right
under the skin for a while now. She crys & then she is smiling & laughing the
next second!! I think she is going to have a much rougher time with teeth
coming in than her brother. Coop has 6 and has given us no problems with
fussiness caused by teething. Hadley on the other hand had a rough time with
her first two, so I am not looking forward to getting the rest of her teeth!!
Maybe she'll get a few at once & get it over with at one time!! Poor babygirl!
Here is the fussy girl herself:
And proof she is fine the next second!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hyland's Teething Tablets!!!

My New Life As Mom said...

I second Hylands!! They're miracle workers.

It's hard to tell from the pictures but it looks as if she does have some teeth coming in.. her gums look aweful bumpy and I'm sure she'll be the type to have a few come in at once.

Our foster daughter got ALL four of her molars at once.. I felt so bad for her. Poor girl.

Lisa said...

She looks like she is munching on those fingers too. Have you tried Oragel? I use to give Cameron a cool washcloth to chew on and that kinda helped as well. Hope things get better for her.