Did you worry about forgetting to call someone once your baby was born? Did you feel bad because your friend found out you had delivered your baby from someone else before you had a chance to call them?? Worry no more!!! With 'Baby's First Phone Call', you can focus all of your attention on your new bundle of joy instead of making numerous phone calls to friends & family. Here is a little bit about how it works:
Baby's First Phone Call is an automated call tree that allows you to notify all of your friends and family of the arrival of your bundle of joy without the hassle of making dozens of individual phone calls, or leaving some friends and family to find out second- or third-hand.
With Baby's First Phone Call, you set up an account before your baby is born—when you still have a moment of time to yourself—and enter the names and phone numbers of all the people you want to notify when the baby arrives. Then, after the baby is born, you make a single phone call and leave a personal voice-mail message of any length with all the details you want to share.
Not only can you tell your friends and family when your little bundle arrived, you can share information such as the hospital and room number you're in and whether and when you'd like to receive visitors.
Our system places calls to each of the phone numbers in your account. If the person answers the phone they hear your happy message. If they don't answer, the message is left on their voicemail or answering machine. In either case, there is an option for them to leave you a return message that you can pick up at your convenience.
It's really that easy! You're doing all the hard work; let us make spreading the good news easy for you.
Use Baby's First Phone Call to notify your book group, your friends from Lamaze class, your co-workers and your extended family. Now you have the perfect way to send a personal message with your joyous news to everyone in your network!
Click HERE to read more about it!!!
How cool is this??? Oh, how I wish I had known about this service when I had C&H! This is so neat and I have been given several $50 gift certificates to giveaway on my blog...how cool is that?? The giveaway will end on Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 8:00 am CST. Here is how to enter:
1) Become a follower of my blog (or if you already are) and leave me a comment
2) Add my button to your blog and leave me a comment
3) Become a FB fan of Baby's First Phone Call and leave me a comment
4) Become a Twitter follower of Baby's First Phone Call and leave me a comment
5) Blog about this giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment
** Please note, at this point in time we believe the 800-number is only available in the US and that it will only make calls to US area codes. We expect that, as the service matures, we will add North American capabilities, possibly as soon as during 2010.