Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Dental Appointment

Today was Cooper & Hadley's first dental appointment.
Showing off their 'pretty teeth'!

I had heard horror stories about waiting forever and holding your child down, so I was kind of dreading it! I, personally, hate going to the dentist, so I didn't want to make this something that they dread doing in the future. We went to Dr. Vent Murphy and it was, overall, a fun and pleasant experience. Nana went with us to help since Daddy couldn't get away from the office this morning...{thanks Nana!}
They had a good time playing in the waiting room while I ran them back & forth to the restroom. H kept saying she needed to poo-poo and wouldn't's time like that when I wonder why I potty trained so soon! But I guess, I would have had to deal with it all at a later date, huh?? No more diapers far outweighs the monotonous trips to the restroom!!

I got Cooper up in the chair first and he flipped, so Nana held him while Hadley took her turn. She was a little apprehensive at first, but when I showed her Mickey Mouse on the TV in the ceiling she was all good. She laid there and let the hygentist clean her teeth like a big girl. I was so proud of her! I was hoping C would see that it wasn't so bad. So we tried again.
PhotobucketAnd he cried again. It was heartbreaking, but she reassured me that this happens all the time with this age children and that it would be fine. He did allow her to clean all his teeth, but not without huge tears!

They both got a new toothbrush (Woody for C and Princess for H). Photobucket
Patiently waiting for their toothbrushes!

You would have thought they were the best thing in the world!!!
Then the Dr. came around...again H was a little hesitant to get in the chair again, but did without crying. He said she had the best set of teeth he had seen all day! A little overbite from her 'B' (paci) but great spacing for her permanent teeth and no cavities at all! When it was C's turn, he cried even more this broke my heart. He got a great report cavities, but a slight cross bite which will hopefully be corrected when the 'B' is taken away! ;) All was better with a toy and stickers for being so good!

Afterwards, Nana had to run, so we walked across the street to Daddy's office for a second. They wanted to tell him all about going to the dentist!

And then, we decided to have a picnic lunch at the 'Yellow Umbrella'! C&H LOVED it and ate all of their lunch and were asking to go home and go 'night-night', so that's just what we did!

I just love mornings like this morning with my little munchkins!


mary Beshears said...

I'm SO proud of them!!!!

kelle grogan said...

we have a dentist appt next week.
hoping it goes well, its not a childrens dentist so i'm a little nervous!