Sunday, June 12, 2011

"B" Free

FYI: In our house, a pacifier is called a 'b'.

When C&H were 18 months old, we took their 'b' away except for naptime and nightime. It was such a good way for them to self-soothe themselves when they woke up in the middle of the night, but I was sick of them having it in their mouths 24/7. Anytime we mentioned going 'night-night', they would both run to their cribs for their 'b' and blankies, and they knew when it was time to get up, they had to say 'bye-bye' to their 'b' and they would drop them in their crib until the next bedtime! For the past year, this has worked out great, but I knew the time was coming to say 'bye-bye' to them for good! With their 2 1/2 {birthday} coming up and with their recent dental visit where we learned they were affecting their teeth, I knew it had to be soon. I think it may have started to affect Hadley's speech as well. I haven't posted about this all week because I wasn't sure how this transition would turn out and whether or not we would give in, but I am proud to say today marks 1 WEEK that our house has been 'b' FREE!!! I won't's been rough and we have gotten alot less sleep, but everyday it's getting better. On the first few days, they screamed and begged for their 'b', but now they may ask for them once a day! I am so proud of my 'big kids'!

Honestly, I am really gonna miss those 'b's. There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby sucking a 'b'. Here are some of my favorite 'b' pictures of C&H over the past few years!

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