Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Say What? Wednesday

  • One night this week, we were getting ready for bed and Hadley started brushing my hair. After a little while, she said, "Mommy, I'm Katie and I cut your hair". Katie is a friend of mine who cuts Cooper's hair and Miss Hadley talks about Miss Katie all the time!
  • C&H really started pretending and I have really been seeing their imaginations growing daily. They are always pretending to go bye-bye. Cooper usually pushing a baby or trucks in a stroller and Hadley usually has a baby and her purse in her arms. They will come and find Michael and I and say, "Bye Daddy...Bye Mommy". We always ask them where they are going and tell them bye and "I love you". They usually say they are going to school, or Nana and Daddo's house, or MeMe and Sweet Pa's house. The other night, however, Hadley told us her baby was sick and they were going to Dr. Fred's (our pediatrician) house. I guess they think his office is his house! :)
  • The other morning while Cooper was still asleep Hadley asked for bacon for breakfast, so I got up and got it started so that it would be ready for C when he woke up! All I had on was a t-shirt while I was cooking breakfast. H, who had been laying in bed with me watching Mickey Mouse, walked in the kitchen and said, "Mom, you need your pants on!"

1 comment:

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

I LOVE the third one! So funny! My girlfriends and I were just talking recently about when kids start to notice what you are wearing in the mornings...I am usually clad in PhiMu tshirts from the late 90s!!! I need some new sleepwear!!