Thursday, June 3, 2010


Last week, Nana, Daddo, & Pogee came over for a little cookout. As we were sitting outside visiting after dinner, Mom mentioned the adorable pictures on my blog of C&H playing in the sprinkler and asked if we could turn the sprinklers on so that they could watch them play! I wish you all could see C&H light up when we get the hose & sprinklers out! They LOVE it & Nana, Daddo, & Pogee loved watching them having fun!
Think Pogee enjoyed watching them??? I love having her in FS and to be able to C&H grow up!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Those are the sweetest little faces. They look like they are in heaven. It is so amazing how the simplest things bring such joy to children. They bring such a smile to my face!