Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

I am so thankful for my Daddy! He is so caring & giving and has been there by my side every day of my life supporting me! I absolutely love seeing C&H interact with just melts my heart!! Thank you Daddy for being are an amazing man! I love you!
I am also so thankful for my Father-in-law! He instilled so many wonderful qualities in Michael and for that I am forever grateful! I started dating Michael when we were in the 9th grade and he has made me feel like a part of their family since then! Thanks Mike for everything you do for our family! I love you!
I am so happy that C&H have an amazing Daddy just like Michael & I do! I absolutely love seeing them light up when their Daddy walks in the room or listening to them giggle when he tickles them! They are the apple of his eye and he is so in love with them! Thank you Michael for being an amazing Daddy to C&H! I know they will look up to you always! We love you!

I put together this slideshow of some of my favorite pictures of Michael with C&H over the past 18 months! You have probably seen a lot of them on the blog, but they are too darn cute not to share again!


Matt Locke said...

I hope you and Michael had a wonderful Father's Day. The kids are getting big.

Love The Locke Family

Melissa said...

what a sweet slideshow! GLad to see that you all enjoyed your Father's Day!

Mary DePalma said...

Your daddy reminds me of his daddy. I can't tell you how much I loved Uncle Gene. I am not sure how old you were but when I came down South he used to have me watch for his pet fly named George. George even had clothes. He was so much fun, I am sure his great personality is reflected in his sons. We were so lucky to have him in our lives. MJ