Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-"Practice Potty Sitting"

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday! I am by no means pushing this issue....I am just trying to get them used to sitting on the potty, so during diaper changes if they are interested they get to sit on the potty. Hadley is way more interested than Cooper which is to be expected! She still tells us almost everytime she poo-poos...I think she will be fairly easy to potty train....we'll see!


Hayley said...

that's so funny...burkley is the same way. i've heard that girls are easier, so we will just have to wait and see. i'm soooooo looking forward to not having to buy diapers, but i'm not looking forward to potty training!

Mary DePalma said...

At 20 months on my last day of work before summer break, Gianna went running around the house at the daycare saying potty potty potty. She put her on and she went. Then I scrambled to buy a seat after work and she went two more times and did both. I can tell you I considered it as a summer project but was so no ready. Turns out she is not 100% into it either but I have to have it ready. We talk about it alot and she tells the stuff in her diaper to get in the potty which is super cute. She goes occasionally but I have not pushed it.

Amy and Jerry said...

Isn't it amazing how different boys and girls are? Anniston was just like Hadley...very interested early on. Anniston was day-time trained by 20 months (we did put her into pull-ups at night though). Treyson is almost 23 months and is just now getting the hang of it. We're giving him another week of experimenting before we "lose the diapers".

Good luck!

Lianna Knight said...

These pics literally made me laugh out so cute!

Anna said...

These pictures totally crack me up!! I love it!! Seems like yesterday that you were pregnant and now you are fixing to be potty training. Where has the time gone?? Scarlett will sometimes tell us when she is dirty but now always. I'm not even thinking about it right now though until baby #2 gets here. Ha!!