Saturday, January 26, 2008

Egg Retrieval-January 25, 2008

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in updates...Michael & I decided to stay an extra night in Tulsa just to relax after my Egg Retrieval. I am so glad the procedure is over...I get so nervous about things like that. I was very groggy from the anesthesia all day, but wasn't in any pain at all...just a little sore. They retrieved 8 eggs from my ovaries on Friday. However, this morning we found out that only 4 of them were mature. They said there was no way that an immature egg can fertilize. So, of the 4 mature ones, 3 of them fertilized naturally. All we can do now is hope & pray that those 3 keep dividing like they should!!! They have scheduled my embryo transfer on Monday, January 28, 2008 @ 1:30 pm. We will only transfer 2 embryos, but hopefully the third one will survive the freezing process for future use. Thanks for all the prayers!! They are greatly appreciated!

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