Thursday, January 29, 2009

7 weeks

Just a few cute pics from today...

Cooper & Hadley's Birth Announcements

Many of you have received one, but I wanted to show the rest of you how they turned out....simply amazing!! It is a tri-fold card, so I hope you can tell how it opened from these pictures! You can click on them to make them bigger to read! Again, thanks to my sister, Mika Beth, for the pictures & all your time designing these!


Opened Front Flap:

Inside Spread:

Back Spread:


I'm 29 on the 29th!!

Happy Birthday to me!! I am 29 today...only one more year till the BIG 3-0! No big plans for the day...hubby has a meeting tonight, so I'll be alone with the babies again! No complaints from me though...I am staying in & staying warm! I am extremely tired today anyway...I had a little meltdown last night with the babies. We were up all night! I finally got them settled and asleep in my lap around 4:00 this morning, set them down in their crib & both were screaming immediately...and then I started crying! I know some people deal with this every night, but I am so not used to it! I am not talking just crying, I am talking unconsolable screaming!!! I am not sure what is wrong, but hopefully tonight will be a little better! Say a little prayer for us!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Swaddled & ready for bed

My sweet baby girl all swaddled & ready for bed...just not ready to go to sleep!!! Doesn't she look tired??


On this cold, snowy day, I was snuggled up in the recliner with these two precious babies in my lap...there was no where I would have rather been!!

P.S.-Thanks to Jen at Meet the McFamily for the precious blog makeover!! You are so talented!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

New pictures

We have had these frames for a while now, but we just decided on what pictures we wanted in them. I am loving them! We have a few more on order for the playroom, but that will be another post later! Here are a few in the nursery...
above Cooper's crib
and above Hadley's crib
and above the changing table/dresser
and a few in the den above the TV!
What do u think??

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Little Man

I am up late tonight rocking a fussy baby & thought I would share this cute picture of Cooper! He is so precious & growing so if he would just go to sleep!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tummy time & Daddy time

Today I tried tummy time with the babies. I have really been noticing their necks getting stronger everyday, especially Hadley. Our pediatrician said that we should be doing tummy time often, but I haven't felt like they were ready for it until now. I plan on doing this more often to strengthen those necks. Hadley really enjoyed it...Cooper just layed his head down & went to sleep after a little fussing.

After dinner tonight, I worked out & showered & then found 3 loves! It just brought a smile to my face!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two screaming babies...

I promise I usually don't let my kids cry like this, but I thought I would get it on video & let you see what it is like when both babies are screaming! It is a little overwhelming...this was tonight at dinner think they might be hungry???

Bathtime & Snowflake PJs

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby carrier & our new high chair!

While I was trying to clean out a closet today, Hadley got pretty fussy & just wanted to be held. I decided to pull out the baby carrier we got at one of our baby showers. She is still a little small for it, but was content for about 30 minutes in it! Look how tiny she looks in cute!

This weekend we received this high chair that we had ordered online. We only ordered one just to see if we liked it since we got it online, but we love it & will be ordering a second very soon! Isn't it cute & can be for a boy or a girl!!


1. Did it work on the first try? How many did you transfer? Did you do ICSI?

No, this was our second attempt. We had a failed cycle in Jan '07 and a successful cycle in April '07. In cycle #1, ICSI was not performed & we only had 3 surviving embryos. They were all poor quality, and were all transferred on day 3. We had to start completely over for cycle #2. ICSI was performed this time & we got 6 surviving embryos. Four were frozen & two were transferred on day 5. Obviously both implanted & we were blessed with two beautiful babies! As many times as I wanted to just give up, I am so thankful we were persistant & tried again!

2. How much sleep are YOU getting?

Well, I do have to start off & say, we are getting much more sleep than I thought we would raising twins! We have been blessed with two wonderful babies. After coming home from the hospital, the babies were on a schedule of eating every 3 hours (3,6,9,12) around the clock. Michael & I can get up feed both babies, change diapers, & get back to sleep within 30 minutes...usually. So we would get 2 1/2 hours streches of sleep. As of this week, we have moved to every 4 hour feedings (2,6,10). So now, we are getting about 3 1/2 hours streches. I am so thankful for a helpful husband who is willing to get up throughout the night & help me feed even though he has to get up & go to work the next day...thanks baby!! I don't know how one person could manage & raise two babies alone!

3. How many hours at a time are the babies sleeping?

I pretty much answered this question above. They pretty much sleep in between most feedings, although they are getting more alert for longer periods of time here lately!

4. Are you guys on your own taking care of the babies now or do you have some help?

We pretty much have been on our own, but our families have been here to help whenever we have needed them. If I ever get stressed out, I know they would be more than willing to help out, but I seriously have only been overwhelmed with the two babies once or twice since they have been home.

5. How are you adjusting with two?

We don't know anything else...having two is normal for us! It will be a breeze if we ever have one baby someday!!

6. Do you get out much and how hard is that?

Due to RSV/Flu season, we have been instructed not to have the babies in public or around other children until March, so therefore we haven't been getting out much. The only places we have gone were our family's houses & to the doctor. But from those few outings, I have realized how much longer it takes for me to get myself & two babies anywhere on time. I think it will get easier with time & I am slowly learning the best & quickest way to do things!

7. Are they on the same schedule?

YES...that is the one piece of advice I got from every twin parent that I have talked to since I found out we were having twins. With two babies, if they aren't on the same schedule, you would never get a break!! If one wakes up, we are waking the other up too...they eat, sleep, & poop on the same schedule right now!!!

8. Are you going back to work?

As of today, I am officially a 'Stay at Home Mom'...I have always wanted to stay at home with my kids, but never knew if I would be able to. After problems finding a daycare, we just decided we would sacrifice some things for me to be able to stay at home with the babies! I couldn't ask for a better job!

9. Are you still breastfeeding and if so, do you have a life outside of them eating and pumping?

I really, really, really wanted to breastfeed these babies. While in the hospital, I wasn't allowed to strictly breastfeed due to their feeding issues. The nurses had to know exactly how much each baby was eating at each feeding. Therefore, I pumped & feed my breast milk through a bottle...hoping that when we went home, I could strictly breastfeed. I tryed it & both babies obviously were not satisfied with breastfeeding alone. And at that point, I had had enough of pumping & feeding. It was just too time consuming with two babies & I gave up within the first week home. I knew going in to it, breastfeeding twins was going to be a huge task & other twin moms thought I was crazy for even trying. I gave it my best & the babies got about two weeks of breast milk...better than none at all!!!

10. Are they sleeping well?

They are sleeping well. Like I said above, they are eating every 3 hours & sleeping in between. Don't get me wrong, we do have some nights that one (or both) are a little fussy in between feedings, but neither one has been up ALL night! We have been lucky with good sleeping babies!

11. How is Charlie reacting to his new brother and sister?

Charlie has been great with them...of course, he was very curious what these crying, moving things were that were invading his space & mommy's time! He sniffs them alot & lays by them occasionally, but overall is pretty oblivious to the fact that he isn't the baby anymore!! He is still pretty spoiled rotten!!

12. Do you just stare at them 24x7?

I DO!!!! Especially when they are sleeping so peacefully! I could just stare at them all day long & praise God for blessing us with such sweet babies!

13. What would you say is the biggest helpful hint that you recv'd from a fellow IVFer that you would like to pass along to other couples going through IVF.

IVF is draining...emotionally, physically, & financially. It is a roller coaster of emotions & you must stay strong & positive throughout the whole ordeal. Our unsuccessful cycle was the most tramatic thing I have ever experienced, but I knew that God had a plan for Michael & I and that was for us to be parents. We weren't going to give up...we stayed strong & started all over with our second cycle! Thank God we did!!

14. What is one of the best gifts that you received during a baby shower that you CAN't live without.

At this point, bouncy seats & swings! When they aren't fussy, they would sit in them all day, if I would leave them there!! Cooper instantly falls asleep when he is put in the bouncy seat & Hadley would sit in the swing wide awake watching the mobile for hours! Also, the swaddling blankets have been wonderful for nighttime!

15. Do you plan on having more babies?

We haven't really discussed this, but I can see us having more children. I have always pictured our family with four children, but who knows...I am so happy & content with the two we have right now!! Ask me again in a couple of years!!

16. Do you miss being pregnant?

I miss feeling the babies moving inside of me everyday, but I don't miss the sleeplessness & uncomfortableness! I am enjoying having the babies in my arms much better than in my belly!!

17. How many times a night do you wake up to feed them?

See #2

18. What baby product has been the biggest lifesaver?

See #14

19. How do you get anything done during the day instead of staring at those precious babies all day long? =]

Some days I seriously feel like I have gotten nothing done!

20. Have you posted about the events leading up to the actual delivery of Cooper and Hadley yet? Would love to hear the long were you in labor?, etc.

Yes, I posted their birth story the other day. Click HERE to read all about the day!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Due Date!!

Today would have been Cooper & Hadley's due date! It is so hard to believe they are already almost 6 weeks old! God is amazing!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

More prayers are needed...

...for Kelly's baby, Harper. Harper Brown Stamps was born at 7:03 PM. She weighed 9lb and 12oz. She has been flown to AR Children's Hospital in LR in VERY critical condition. I am not quite sure what is going on, but they were given an unfavorable report from the NICU doctors. Please pray for this family also! Like Jenna, I haven't met Kelly in person, but truly feel like I know her from her blog! Kelly is famous in blogland...she had like 30,000 hits on her blog today I know she has many, many people praying for her sweet baby girl!

Prayers for Baby Brayden

I am sure many of you have read Jenna's blog, but her little boy needs all the prayers he can get. Brayden was diagnosed with PPHN or pulmonary hypertension. He is in critical care at the NICU of the Children's Hospital in Little Rock. They recieved a call this morning saying little Brayden wasn't doing good. I have never actually met Jenna in person, but feel like I know her through our blogs! Please pray for this family! I cannot imagine what they are going through right now!

Happy Birthday Sweet Pa!

Today is Cooper & Hadley's Sweet Pa's birthday! Happy Birthday Mike...we hope you have a great day!! We all love you!

Q & A

I have been getting several comments with questions for me about how things are going with raising twins so far! I thought it would be easier to have a Q&A post & answer them all at once. I will do my best to answer questions about IVF, pregnancy, &/or twins! So send all your questions my way...

Sweet Sleeping Babies!!

Aren't they the sweetest???

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy 89th BD Pogee!

Today is my grandmother, Pogee's 89th birthday!! I wanted to add an older picture & a recent picture to show you how pretty she was and still is! Pogee, you are such a wonderful, loving, & caring grandmother & we wish you the best birthday yet!! We love you so much! Cooper & Hadley say hello & they can't wait to see you again soon! Christmas 2008

Monday, January 12, 2009

1 Month Doctor Visit & 1st Frog Picture!

Today was Cooper & Hadley's 1 month dr. visit. I was curious how much they were weighing now because I can see them growing before my eyes! I knew they had put on some weight since we were there last. Cooper is weighing in at 7lbs 7oz and is 20 1/2 in long. That is 1lb 7oz he has gained in 12 days! Hadley is weighing in at 6lbs 10oz and is 19 5/8 in long. She put on 1lb even since our last visit! Dr. Fred was very pleased! We go back in 1 month for our next checkup & shots!
I plan on taking the babies' picture each month with this cute frog to show how much they have grown compared to the previous months. Here are their 1st frog pictures! I can see this getting very difficult as they get mobile!! Yikes...but I will do my best!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Little Monkeys!

Cooper & Hadley's Mimi & Sweet Pa got them these Gymboree monkey pajamas for Christmas! I thought they would be too big for them, but put them on them anyways this morning & to my
surprise, they fit great!! They looked so cute today!!

Little Monkeys talking to their Daddy!

No more pictures Mom!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

More pics...

I really hope you guys don't get sick of seeing pictures of our babies! Mika Beth & I just can't help but to keep taking pics of them! Here are a few from yesterday. They were 4 weeks old hoo!! They need to stop growing right now!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh so tiny...

They look so tiny in their cribs...I just had to take a few pics...and no, I don't let them sleep like this...however, they would love it if I would let them!! I could just eat them up :)