Thursday, September 23, 2010

I WON...Thanks Jessica!

These days I just don't have the time to enter blog giveaways anymore...unless I see one that is just awesome! At the first of the month, I came across this back-to-school giveaway that Jessica at My Beatles Babies was hosting for her birthday month and fell in love with the precious zebra Skip*Hop backpack and a bunch of other I just had to enter! When I was found out I won...I was so excited! I was even more excited when Jessica told me she was sending another backpack for Cooper! How sweet is she?? Jessica works at my favorite children's store in Tulsa called Ding-bats and has two of the cutest little girls named Lucy & Penny! You must check out her awesome blog...LOVE it!

C&H and I were so excited to find a package on our doorstep yesterday with all our goodies! Look how stinkin' cute these are...
H put her backpack on & played for a long time with it on...she loved it!
Cooper wouldn't wear his right away...he just wanted to hold it, look at it, and say 'froggie'! Too cute!
And look at all these other goodies...Thanks again Jess for sending two of everything...I can tell you are a Mom of two also!!! ;)
I have been looking for a good CD of children's songs....I was so excited to listen to Spaghetti Eddie! It's awesome and C&H LOVE it and I do to! Cooper claps after every song...their favorites are 'the body parts song' and 'kittie cat town'.



Jessica said...

Oh my goodness!! They are just the cutest EVER! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the goodies :)

mary Beshears said...

Those back packs are PRECIOUS!!!!

Amy and Jerry said...

Going to Tulsa soon to shop and will have to check this place out. Another great store in Tulsa (clothing/shoes only) is Kathleen's Kids. Have you been there? If not, it's worth checking out! It's the size of probably 6 or 7 Katiebugs stores, and then also has LOTS of shoes, and an entire M2M hairbow area. The lady makes the bows right then and there as you finish shopping.