Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am not one to keep my toes and fingernails painting nice on a regular basis...let's just be real here...I just don't have time & I am at home 90% of the time, so why bother! One day last week, I was going to a dinner party and my toes needed some major attention, so I dug deep and found some nail polish in my bathroom. As soon as I began my first toe, Miss H woke up from her nap. I preceded to get her up and then finished painting my toes. Needless to say, she had never seen anyone painting their toenails and sat in AWE watching while I finished. When I was done, I put the polish away in the cabinet and went on about my business. About 5 minutes later I found H standing by the cabinet fussing...I soon realized what she was wanting! I opened the cabinet & grabbed the polish and she grinned, sat on the steps in our bathroom, and said 'pretty'. It was too cute, so I just had to paint those little piggies of hers! She sat as still as a 21 month old can with a huge grin on her face the whole time! I foresee many more piggie painting parties in our future!!!


Hannah said...

How cute! I love seeing sitting there staring at her toes. Precious!

Liz said...

oh, i just love painting little piggies!!! H looks so proud!

i painted O's hot pink one day and she said "no, mama. it's cold"!! ha!

polly said...

Too cute! Have you heard of piggy paint? Go to piggy or I think Katie Bugs sells it.