Friday, May 7, 2010

Morning time is my Favorite Time!

One of my favorite times of the day is right when C&H wake up in the mornings. They are always so happy to see us in the mornings!! I love how it takes them a while to 'wake up'! I love how they want their milk immediately after we come in their room to get them. (Hadley is usually signing for milk when we walk in!!)
I love how they will sit still & watch their cartoons with out moving a muscle!I love how they are so into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and just light up when it comes on!
I love how they just want to snuggle in Mommy's arms!
I just love morning time!!!

Instead of crawling out of bed once I hear the babies stirring (like I do most mornings), I was up at 6:00, went for a run, and had already showered by the time C&H woke up! I really enjoyed it and enjoyed my morning time with C&H much more since I, myself, wasn't 'still asleep'! I think I'll do this again!


OurLittleBlessingS said...

that's my favorite time too! it's the best feeling in the world when they light up when they see you! great way to start the day:)

Alicia W. said...

How adorable! Morning snuggles are the BEST.

sweetpeanme said...

Wow...go momma! Good job on the run! I haven't been that ambitious yet! ;o)

Morning snuggles are the best! (but I get them at 1am...and 3am...and 5