Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a Mess!!!

I just want to apologize for the mess I have had with my blog this past week! I know I said I wasn't going private until Monday, but after all this happened my mind seems to 'think' more like a criminal! haha! I just kept thinking if I left my blog public all weekend, whomever did this would have all weekend to copy the rest of my pics, if they already haven't. Anyways, I just felt more comfortable taking it private earlier than stated. I was away from my computer all weekend for a much needed girls weekend, so that is why I am just now getting around to sending out invites. You all were probably thinking you all didn't make the 100-cut, weren't you? So sorry! I hope to get back to posting regularly very soon!


Jess said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you! Goodness, people are NUTTY! You are so sweet, and I hate that someone took advantage of you!

Thanks so much for the invite! I'm so pleased to continue to read about C&H!!!

pattiann said...

don't you worry about anything!!i am just sick that someone did that to your precious family!! Thanks for including me.. i can't wait to see new photos of the darlings!!

Mandy and Nathan said...

Thanks so much for keeping me as a reader! I hope you do a post about what happened and how you found out... I've been constantly thinking about this since your last post! The thought of someone stealing your pictures and everything else is just repulsive, but it happens so often. I don't even know how to start looking for mine out there.

Meinardus Photography said...

People are so crazy MK. I Can not believe that someone would do that but unfortunately they do.

I love looking at your blog and I am glad i get to read it!

Your a great mom and C & H are lucky to have such great parents! We miss you guys at church!

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

I hope you enjoyed your girls weekend! I have loved my little getaways! Thanks for including me, I figured it was a longshot since we just found each others blogs! I CANNOT believe someone was stealing your pics? How did you find out? People are so absurd. Makes ya think what this world would be like if some spent as much time doing good as they do bad. Can't wait to see new pics!

Laura Ann said...

I was so excited when I got your email today. I had missed seeing those sweet babies of yours and those awesome pictues you always get of them.

I am about to cross over too and you will be invited to read.

Oh, I know of a little trick for you if you need to stay private, but have more readers...email me and I will share my secret with you.

Hope you had a great time on your girls weekend.

Oh, I saw that Melissa from Staffords Stories went private today and Ashley's Avenue. I don't know what is going on but it must be something crazy. I do not know how to get in touch with either, so I am sad I can no longer follow.

The Coach's Wife said...

I'm so glad I made the cut! I can't wait to continue reading!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! So glad we get to keep up with your little cutie pies! I'm starting to consider going private as well. Your story is so scary!

Laci said...

Thanks so much for inviting me to continue to read your blog. Crazy people out there!!