Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Mess=Lots of Fun!!

I was going through some cabinets last night and found some stuff I had put back that I recieved at the Gerber Mothers-To-Be Banquet that I attended when I was pregnant with C&H!! All the stuff I had set back was for toddlers...I found these Lil' Dippers....they are great for teaching the fundamentals of using utensils!!

So I decided to give them some applesauce to try out their new dippers...C&H didn't quite understand what they were actually for, even after showing them repeatedly, but they have to learn somehow to feed themselves, right??? And they had a blast...that is all that matters!! They just ate it with their fingers and at one point Cooper actually 'drank' the applesauce! Messes are just so much fun and they can only get better at it!!!


Anna said...

Pure sweetness!!! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Try and use them with something that will actually "stick" to the utensil. I can't remember what I tried with my son but if it will stick better to it they will figure it out. The applesauce probably just slid off.

Robin Bair said...

mashed potatoes are great for learning the spoon! They stick. ;) LT prefer stabbing with forks.

Cute non the less.

Jen said...

Oh my...don't know how you manage twice the mess. And honestly, I don't think I've ever been able to let Caroline get that messy. It's just physically impossible for me to handle. :) For now, I think I'm safe though, since the child doesn't really like to eat. Maybe someday! :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I can't believe I actually miss that messy baby stage! Cute pics!