Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Wow...what a day yesterday was!

It was a day of firsts, that is for sure! First of all, it was C&H's first day to only have one nap. For the past two weeks, Hadley has refused to nap in the afternoon & I must say she hasn't been all that fussy during the evening and several days last week, Cooper was refusing also. So much to my dislike, we are in the process of changing our schedule to one nap a day. Normally, they napped at 10 and 3. So yesterday, I decided to see how long they could make it after 10 till they had a melt down. I was hoping to at least make it till 11, but at 10:45 I had had enough & put them down for a nap. They slept the normal 1.5-2 hours. They were a little crankier than normal last night, but went down without a peep last night! Today, we made it to 11:10 before having a meltdown and they are sleeping as I type! I think we will just keep pushing it back gradually and hopefully we can get it to around 12 or 1 before they go down!

The other two first yesterday involve POOP! Isn't it crazy when you have kids, talking about poop is like an everyday occurrence?? Anyways, we had our first MAJOR blowout...I am talking MAJOR...imagine poop everywhere!!! We were in the playroom playing & I began to smell a dirty diaper and the smell got really intense really quick. I thought to myself that this wasn't any normal dirty diaper smell, so off to get diapers & wipes! I grabbed Hadley first since I had changed one of Cooper's dirty diapers like an hour earlier. I pulled off her diaper, & no poop. So I grabbed Cooper and OMG!!! First off, during diaper changes, bath time, etc lately all he wants to do is pull, tug, and feel around down this normal for little boys??? So as soon as I take off his diaper, I notice major diarrhea & Coop's hand goes straight for it! So I am trying to hold his feet & his dirty hand and I dropped one of his feet & it goes right in the poop. So here we are, he's got poop on his hand & now all over his foot. Then I notice it all up his back & all on the carpet now....NICE!!! So I go to grab the wipes that were sitting next to me when I took his diaper off. Hadley has since grabbed the wipes and is proceeding to take out each wipe one by one....I have to wrestle with her with my one free hand to get the wipes back so that I can clean up our huge mess! Hopefully, no more blowouts anytime soon!!!!

On to our other poop story from yesterday! Last night was bath probably all know where this is headed, right?? Well, I have started bringing PJs, lotion, diapers, etc into the bathroom with me when I bathe C&H instead of trying to get two wet babies to their room to get them dressed. That way I can get one baby out of the bath and let the other one play while I get the other dressed. So I got Coop out first last night & as I was zipping up his PJs, Hadley was standing up in the tub and I noticed her grunting. By the time I realized what she was doing, she pooped in the bathtub...oh the joys of parenthood!!! LOL I snatched her out of the tub as quick as I could...thank goodness they were already clean!

What a day, but we survived!!!


Ashley said...

Thank you so much for those 2 great stories!!

Yes that is totally normal for a boy! It will only get worse believe me!

I think every mom has a blow out story to tell! Mine involves and infant car seat and an 8 hour drive!!! It was awful!!


CJ said...

That's awesome!! What a day!! yes, I guess it is normal b/c one of my boy twins does it all the time. Want to reach down there! I've had my share of poop on the hand poop on the foot while the other one is standing and getting into the wipes or diapers! Ugh! what do u do! I've also had Chase have diarhea in the tub, but it was back when they were bathed seperate in the little blue tub! Good idea about getting them dressed in the bathroom! great IDEA! I think I will do it tonight!
Also, my boys are going to that one nap a day also, but they SURE are cranky around 6-7:30pm! WOW!

Sarah said...

I feel your pain (probably not as intense b/c I just have one!)! We had a poop in the tub incident a couple of weeks ago and over the weekend I got Ava up from a nap and smelled the diaper the second I walked into the room. Her bed had to be washed and she went straight to the tub! Fun times! :)

Hattie said...

We're having the same issues with naps. Little info about boys...once they find "it" they always want to play with "it". Makes bath time & changing diapers fun! Double poopie problems, bless your heart!

Hayley said...

Don't even get me started on POOP girl! Brooks has had BLOW OUT diarrhea for about 2 days now and I've been pooped on and thrown up on several times now! Your bath routine sounds just like ours now! Hope there are no surprises in the tub tonight! Good luck! Aren't you WORN out at night now? Man, B&B keep me BUSY!!!

kelle grogan said...

girl, i am just waiting for the day the poop show up in the bathtub! as for blow outs, it happens way too often! mostly with maggie, she is forever pooping up and out of her diaper. no wipe stealing but (you can understand this one) while i am changing one, the other will try to get right smack dab in the middle of the action. so holding one baby back, wiping and trying to keep her from wiggling away at the same time. aaahhhhhh, just another day at work :) i should post this, just the other day, maggie pooped, almost out her diaper, kept moving around until her shirt got poop on it, wouldn't lay still so i ended up letting her stand up and wiping her. was rolling the poopy diaper up so meryl wouldn't get into it and maggie starts peeing. lovely. and we were at grammys house. it wasn't even my own carpet!

Jill said...

Let me tell ya, poop is a hot topic. :) I'm just waiting for the day that Amelia has a blowout like this. I've read many stories on many blogs and I know my day is coming! A lot of people are out shopping at Target when it happens...can you imagine!?? haha!

Robin Bair said...

lol I laugh because I soo identify. Just wait til one runs off with the wipes when you've got poop every where. twin moms have to be quick and smart. :) least they didn't try and eat it yet....that only happened once....taylor learned quick that she didn't like it. lol

Mommy3 said...

LOL Thanks for sharing the story! It is so true. And yes little boys typically like to play in their diaper area once they notice it. I had to put my son in onesies to sleep in for a long time and now zip up pjs because otherwise he pulls it out of his diaper and ends up peeing all over himself while the diaper remains completely dry!

jenn said...

sounds like a fun little one is always grabbing down makes diaper changes so much fun:)

Erin said...

Oh we've all been there! I could write a book on poo it seeam like! Glad you survived:)

Anonymous said...

Oh I loved this post! S & W "found" theirs quite a while back and hate to have their diapers put back on. I swear 'it' is their favorite new toy! We havent had the bathtub incident yet but I am sure it is coming. I have to put extra pants on Sam at naptime because he loves to take it off. we have had several pee incidents and two quite messy ones! Both times it was all over the bed, walls, and himself. NOT PRETTY! Hey, who knew poop could be such a hot topic? :)

The Dorns said...

These are the stories you will share with them when their older. Just don't tell them you told us.

Unknown said...

And one day you will catch them playing in it. I think they like the tecture or something. lol

Shannon said...

we are switching to one nap now too... i try to hold her off until after lunch, and she has been sleeping 3-4 hours. that's the good news!! the bad news is, today as soon as i opened her door it smelled like poop... it was everywhere!!! up her back, on her sheets, in her hair, on her face! gross, gross, gross!!! she was so happy to see me, and didn't seem to care about the poop explosion! i had to wash EVERYTHING, and keep the windows open even though it is 30 degrees outside. oh, the joys!!!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I had to laugh at this post!
I remember those days all too well!