Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 month shots

Well, we ventured out to the health department today. We called Booneville Health Department & they said they could get us in and out if we came first thing this morning instead of waiting a couple of weeks and driving to Ozark. The drive wasn't bad at all...and the shots weren't as bad as I thought they would be. I wasn't sure if I was even going to be able to hold them, but I had to be tough for my babies ;)  Cooper went first and cryed for about 1 minute and was fine. He quickly fell asleep in his car seat as soon as his Daddy got him dressed. Hadley cryed quite a bit longer, but not for too long! We were in & out in about 20 minutes & didn't see any stinky, dirty people like my last health department visit! That is what I worried about most about going to the HD...sitting in the waiting room!! Both babies are sleeping now & don't seem to have fever, but I plan on keeping a close eye on them today! Here are a few pics once we got home of our bandaids!!

I apologize for the lack of posting lately...since I have been sick, I have been in a blogging funk! Also we are have two bathrooms remodeled so me & the babies are confined to our master bedroom and the kitchen during the day. That may be part of it, but I promise to start taking pictures again!! I just wish Spring would hurry up  & get here so we can spend our days outside!!


Jessica said...

I have a 3 and 5 year old and it still breaks my heart when they get shots. Makes me want to take one for them. I hear you about spring. We live in Louisiana and the weather has been so picky that it hard to know when the air will turn cold and rain will dump on us. Yuck

Sherry Drennan said...

Yeah! I'm glad the BHD went well for you! We have good luck there!

Verna said...

I think all of us are so ready for Spring and Summer.

Lisa said...

Poor little ones!! I hate it when Cameron has to get shots. I use to cry, but I guess I have grown out of that (lol).

Hope you are feeling better!!

The Coach's Wife said...

I am ready for Spring too! I am just hoping and praying for the day I can take my babies to the Health Department for shots! We will start our frozen embryo cycle soon so please keep us in your prayers!

Jill said...

Bless their little hearts (and legs). Glad it went well!

I'm ready for spring too!!

Hope you're feeling better.


Our Blessed Family said...

Remind me again when Joel, Kamden & Jade will get to meet the babies in person? I know I saw them at the hospital but I want to really get to hold them!!!

I am so glad you went to Booneville ;) hahaha That is where I got all of my shots as a kid! You probably saw lots of people I know because I know most of the people that work there!

Shots are hard but I am glad you all made it through!!

Lisa said...

Hopefully your little ones sleep well tonight after their shots. Give them lots of hugs and kisses.

Jill said...

My munchkins have to start their rabies series - 3 shots each over the next 3 weeks. That'll be fun!

BTW - my mother in law grew up in Booneville... :)

The Campbells said...

I can't watch E get her shots. Clay goes w/ me and he helps the nurse.

Did they tell you that giving a bottle right after will usually help calm them???

I always have one ready and she used to take it when she was first born but she got her daddy's pain tolerance and barely cries.

I would try that if you haven't already!

hope they feel better soon.

Shannon said...

Mary Kate-

This is Shannon Herrmann now Gattis from high school. I stumbled onto your blog. Your babies are precious, Congratulations!

On the health clinic, I take Noah to Booneville for his shots. The nurse there, Peggy, is married to one of the guys that works for us. She is great. I have never had a bad experience there and always gotten right in. Glad it went well for you.