Thursday, February 19, 2009

Have we grown??

I was looking at some pics I took the other day and noticed that the babies were about to outgrow their knit hats. I remember the babies wearing these in the hospital and how huge they were. I remember thinking it will be forever till these really fit! It makes me sad to see them growing so fast, but I am enjoying the smiles & everything that comes along with them getting bigger!!! And yes, that is Cooper in Hadley's pink bouncy...sorry Coop!!

11 days old, still in the hospital


Lisa said...

Isn't it neat how they grow so fast? I sit back and watch Cameron play and do things around the house and I am in awe as to how fast he has grown. He isn't a baby anymore, but he is SO much fun and we have a blast together. Just think you will have 2 times the fun : )

Jill said...

Wow...they have grown! You guys make some cute kiddos.


Megan said...

Mary Kate, my husband and I just found out we're having twins~due Sept. 24. As I look at your blog, I think, my goodness that's gonna be me!