Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My life these days...

This is what I have been doing since being home from the hospital on Saturday. Charlie seems to have a new favorite place to lay....on or beside my big ol' belly!!

I am doing pretty good...just tired of just laying around & doing nothing. You would think it would be nice getting waited on all the time, but I am starting to feel bad about not doing anything around here. Michael has been absolutely wonderful to me waiting on my every need & staying by my side since I went in the hospital. I am so lucky!! Thank you baby for all of your help!

I still can't believe I have made it to 33 weeks 2 days. Here is a belly pic from last night...sorry for my chopped off head...it's for your own good!! I have had no energy these days to get ready since I know the farthest I will be going is the couch!! Thanks again for all your thoughts & prayers & hopefully these babies will bake a little while longer!! I just need to get another hospital bag packed & car seats in the car!!


Heather said...

You are doing a great job! Hang in there, it won't be much longer now, though it might feel that way.

Kelly said...

Did you see my blog about a week or two ago - I swear I have the EXACT same picture of me and our dog on the couch!!! That is hilarious!!! Dawson thinks my belly makes a great pillow - I wonder all the time if he wonders why momma has gotten so big???
It is hard to let go and let others help you. But you are going to have TWO babies VERY soon!!! You need your rest - get it while you can!

The Allens said...

I think you look great. You're almost there!

Lisa said...

Hi Mary Kate -
Not sure how I found your blog, but I enjoyed the visit and I am happy to be a follower now. I too am a Mommy of an IVF baby. Well, he isn't much of a baby anymore. He will be 2 on Jan 6th. Congrats to you on your pregnancy and the wonderful news of having a Boy and A Girl. WOW, isn't that special !!
Well, I hope that things continue to go well with you, the babies and your delivery. Try to have fun with bed rest until your little ones arrive.


Robyn Beele said...

I hope they bake a little longer!! Your dog is precious!

Lianna Knight said...

I totally undestand....all that laying around would drive me crazy too. But you will be so appreciative when those sweet little babies arrive.

That reminds me...please email me your address, I have a cute little something for Hadley and Cooper :)


Katie said...

i have been thinking a lot about you and your sweet babies lately. i am so happy to hear that they are still 'cooking'. God bless you and Michael as you anxiously await their arrivals!

Jill said...

Enjoy being waited on...you deserve it...sounds like you have a wonderful hubby!

I still don't believe there are two babies in there. Maybe it's the angle but your belly just doesn't look big enough!

Cute pic of you and Charlie. :)


Heather said...

Oh my goodness...that belly is beautiful!
I'm so glad you've made it to 33 weeks. I'm hoping for 34 or more so maybe those little peeps can spend more time with you than with me!
I'll be watching for you! Can't wait (well-i really can for at least another week)
By the way, have you picked a pediatrician?

The Campbells said...

OMG I totally feel your pain. I was on bed rest in the beginning of my pregnancy and at the very end too. It is SO frustrating. But just revel in it now because you will never be able to sit down and have a minute to yourself once those babies are here! LOL! You'll beg to be on bed rest again! ha!

You're in our thoughts and prayers. Here's to you and hoping those babies stay in as long as possible!!!

Jeff, Sarah, Harrison, Avery and Elliott said...

We are so glad that you are doing OK! I bet it is so hard to relax. Hang in there. It wont be long now!

Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Adrienne said...

I was also thinking that you didn't look big enough for there to be 2 in there! And not even a stretch mark! Yea!

Sarah said...

Hey Mary Kate! I'm glad you found me!! AOG is.. well, it's work :) I wish I was still on maternity leave. I'm so glad things seem to be under control now with you and the babies. I'll be praying that Cooper and Hadley can stay put for just a little longer! Rest while you can!!

Samantha said...

You look great! Seriously...you look like a mommy! The boys are getting really antsy to see their babies again and keep asking about you guys and praying. Garrett has passed his step to me. I'm on a Zpack, but feel worse than when I began the meds. The boys are having their Christmas program at the preschool tonight and I'm afraid I won't even be able to enjoy it since I basically can't even swallow. Take care, lady!

Heather said...

He is my girls pediatrician, too. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him! Glad that is who you are using!

Jill said...

Just stopping by to make sure those babies haven't come out yet. :)

Hope all is well.
