Monday, September 21, 2009

Brushing our Teeth!

Last week at C&H's checkup, I felt like a horrible mother when Dr. Fred asked if we were brushing the babies teeth. It only makes sense to brush their teeth as soon as they come in, but I hadn't even thought about it. So needless to say, Mommy went out & bought some toothpaste & toothbrushes & we are now brushing our teeth daily!! Here are a few pictures from our first time! C&H really seemed to like it....actually they seemed to like sucking & chewing on the toothbrush!
Since we are talking about teeth, Mr. Cooper got yet another tooth today! His bottom right tooth popped through this morning & his top right is just under the skin. So that is 5 teeth total for the big man!!! Click on the pic below to see his new pearly white!! He has been in such a good mood today, but it doesn't look like it here!!


The Hams said...

Mary Kate,

I stumbled on to your blog a little over a month ago and I LOVE reading your posts! My husband and I struggled with infertility for 3 years and lost one baby before we we blessed with our son Luke in April 2007. When we decided to go back to the fertility specialist to "try for just one more," we were blessed with #2 and #3! Our twins- Abby and Jack- are now 5 months old. Cooper and Hadley are adorable and your posts are like a wonderful "preview" of what's to come for Abby and Jack! Congratulations on such a beautiful family!



Jennifer Haas said...

Super Cute, my boys love to brush their teeth now, we sign the ABC's and count to 31, while we brush. Then mommy gets a turn too. This way we are killing two birds with one stone!

Candi said...

LOL how cute!! Carter loves brushing too. I let him pick out his toothbrush. He decided on Sesame Street with Elmo toothpaste.

Mrs. Jenk said...

The same thing happened to us- oops, I hope her teeth come through healthy after not being brushed for weeks! So far they still look good :)

Rebekah said...

oh my many things to think about when you are a mom! I hadn't thought of brushing Cilla's one tooth, either!!!!

Lisa said...

Awww, they are too cute brushing their teeth. Ok, do you ever get tired of hearing that? I know that every time I leave you a comment I say that, but really they are as cute as can be and I so enjoy seeing pictures of them. It is GREAT watching them grow up through your posts : )

Hope you had a nice Monday. Looking forward to seeing your next post!


Christina said...

You know, I really don't want the doctor to ask us that on Friday at the girls check up. I know I SHOULD be brushing, but I'm not very good at it! Good for you for starting, keep it up, and I'll try better too. :)

Emma Grace's mom said...

As a hygienist I love to see the pics of them brushing! Too cute! I have always let my 2 year old brush her own teeth but I also use a damp washcloth with a little bit of toothpaste on it and wipe all of her teeth off once a day. You may try that, sometimes it is easier and more effective than the brush! They LOVE to chew on them though! Most importantly make sure they are getting fluoride!Good luck and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Cute post! love the pictures!
Blessings, Ginger

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

Great idea on the regular tooth brushes! I'm using a finger brush with Kale and every time I feel like I'll have one less finger with all of his teeth!

Courtney Kay said...

the mom of the 21month old BG twins and 4 year old I watch saves teeth brushing in the mornings for me cause it keeps the twins out of trouble for 10-15 min! they LOVE brushing teeth!

Kelly said...

Keep them brushing....we started early and put it into our schedule and my kids LOVE brushing!!

The Lane Family said...

The bottom picture of Mr. Cooper is so cute!! I just love it. It looks like something that would happen at our home most days!!

The Campbells said...

Cute! We've been brushing since 6 months and E would crawl as fast as she could to brush her teeth! I have video. It's so cute. She still loves to brush her teeth. I don't worry about if I forget to let her do it everyday. She's gonna lose these teeth anyway LOL.