Tuesday, October 21, 2008

National Infertility Awareness Week

October 19-25, 2008 is National Infertility Awareness Week - A movement to raise awareness about the disease of infertility which affects 7.3 million Americans. It affects 10% of the population & chances are someone you work with, go to church with, etc. is struggling with infertility and you don't even know it. The greatest thing you can offer is support. Take a moment to visit the resolve website if you have time. There is information for those struggling and their friends and family.


Even though we aren't struggling with infertility anymore, it still weighs very heavy on my heart! After 4 years of disappointment & the unknown, it is hard to forget the defeated, helpless, & lonely feelings that go along with it. This blog was such a blessing while dealing with infertility once I found all the other women out there in my same position! I am praying for all of you out there dealing with IF & I pray that God will bless you soon with a baby of your own whether it be, biological or through adoption. HE has a 'perfect plan' for each & every one of us and always remember: 'The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you'.


Kelly said...

One of the blessings of infertility is that even once you get a precious baby - you will always have a heart for those who don't yet and will always be sensitive to those who are struggling and remember to pray for them. Thanks for posting this!

Page said...

Thank you for sharing. I do not yet have any fertility issues (that I know of) but will starting trying for a family soon. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I LOVE that last quote you posted!

Jen said...

Every time I look at Caroline, I never forget how long it took and how much we wanted her! The 4 years it took us to finally have her were tough, but totally worth it. IF strengthened our faith and our marriage, and I'm thankful now that we passed the "test" of IF! :)

Lianna Knight said...

Thanks for posting this Mary Kate. I can't tell you what an inspiration and a showing of God's grace in seeing you pregnant...and with TWINS!!

I know He has a plan for me too and I look forward to the many blessings I will share with my family one day :)