Monday, October 27, 2008

So behind on blogging & totally exhausted...

I have been such a bad blogger lately because I have been extremely busy! I had a wonderful, non-stop & exhausting weekend, that I could bring myself to blog last night...I had to go to bed!! I did want to share a pic of the bib/burp cloth that I won last week from a blog giveaway from Stacy at The Fancy Fritter. Thank you so much Stacy...they are precious!!

I went to 'Dinner with TLC' again on Friday night, had a Birthing class at the hospital on Saturday all day, had church and a church baby shower on Sunday, followed by my 28 week maternity shoot & we also recieved Cooper's crib bedding on Friday night, so I need to get caught up on my blogs! I hit 28 weeks yesterday...I can't believe how fast this is going! Here is a pic of twins at 28 weeks!


The Allens said...

Oh wow! That's amazing!

TheFancyFritter said...

Aww....I am just now catching up on blogs and I saw that you love the bib and burp cloth you won! I'm so happy! I hope things are going great and not too much longer till you get to hold your precious little ones! How exciting!