I saw this giveaway at
Barking Mad where she is giving away a $250 TARGET GIFT CARD!!! I just had to participate! Who wouldn't like a Target Gift Card????
So to participate, all I have to do is create a post which links to my Top 5 or 10 Favorite Posts. They can be my funniest, most profound, thoughtful, entertaining...whatever. Just as long as they are my favorites. So here it goes:
This was my daily inspiration during our struggle with infertility!
I was finally pregnant...I had waited a long time to see those double lines!!
Announcing we were having twins!!
See our precious babies for the first time on ultrasound
Finding out the sexes of the babies!
My favorite maternity photo shoot
Announcing the unexpected early arrival of Cooper & Hadley Webb
An overview of the ups & downs of 2008
The babies birth story
A compilation of pictures my sister took of the babies birth...priceless!!
Well, there you go! That was actually hard to pick 10...I have so many favorite posts!! Wish me luck...$250
would buy me lots of baby formula!!!