I know I have been talking about how beautiful the weather has been here lately, but today was simply amazing! It was in the lower 60's when we got up this morning...is it really August??? By noon, it was around 75 and it felt so good out! We decided to have a little picnic outside! I had my lunch...

...and Cooper & Hadley had theirs. Yes, both babies are now feeding themselves!!! Today was the first time Hadley has even showed interest in holding her bottle & she feed herself twice today!!! YIPEE!

...then they sat nice & still for ONE picture together....

...then they giggled at Mommy...

...and discovered grass. They both would pet it like they would a dog...it was too funny!!

...and they fought over the snack cup (I guess I need to pull out the other one so they both will have one)...

...and last but not least, they were their adorable little selves!

They had so much fun & hopefully we will have many more days like this in the near future!